"I believe - in the last two or three seasons - that we've competed very effectively, although there's still some way to go with consistency and the football, " he said.
He said he hoped the convictions would "go some way to help them move on with their future lives".
He concedes there is some way to go before plastic PV catches up with silicon's superior efficiency and durability, but even that might not be an issue, he says.
While some hospital caterers provide excellent catering for patients with particular diets, some still have a way to go before patients like Kathleen can rest easy in their hospital beds.
"Rhondda has quite some way to go yet before it can be satisfied with the services it's delivering, " said Sue Mead of the Audit Commission.
Actually, the chicken tikka massala, which was for a time the restaurant dish that sold more than any other in the country, was invented purely a a way to give the English some gravy to go with this odd new curry dish that people were cooking.
Further, if it turns out that Evi is really the right way to go then of course you can do that with Siri at some future date.
This may go some way to address another of CPRE's concerns - that the countryside will be dotted with small farmers' turbines, radically altering the look of the landscape.
Yet, some analysts believe that India still has a long way to go before it can close the gap with China.
But with respect to Federer and Sharapova, they still have some way to go before matching the sartorial successes of the legendary Fred Perry, and Rene Lacoste, one of the famous "Four Musketeers" from France.
CNN: Tennis fashion brands serve up a healthy return for players
The way to get decent truck mileage is to go with a smaller truck, and in some cases, you can even opt for a larger engine.
Which would go some way to explain why they learned only recently that property loans Co-op Bank acquired in 2009 with the takeover of Britannia are pretty stinky and loss generating.
But more work, including development of some adjacent real estate, could go a long way toward keeping the 48-year-old ballpark competitive with all the state-of-the-art venues around the league.
That leaves them with a very long way to go, particularly when every single donation will now be subjected to some serious vetting to insure that money is not coming from a foreign government or groups with even the most remote connection to terrorist organizations.
FORBES: Is The Ground Zero Mosque Fiasco All About The Money?