They will find out about health standards if they want to go swimming in the sea.
"As a for-profit business that's an attractive pond to go swimming in, " says Mr Beck.
Case in point: Children in Louisiana die from this protozoan all the time when they go swimming in fresh water ponds.
The indoor group will be asked to go swimming or to visit the gym while the outdoor group take part in activities such as gardening, walking or golf.
"A lot of people say they are put off by the quality of facilities when they try to go swimming, and this is part of a plan to address that, " Mr Johnston said.
As a child he felt so self-conscious he was afraid to go to a public swimming pool in case other people stared at him.
So whether you go to Mexico for cave swimming and ancient sites or for mole and margaritas, it'll be worth it.
But now and again I would go out to the old swimming hole, the place everybody called the Twenty Two, and spend half an hour or so in the water, not really swimming so much as hanging there, suspended in the rumor of coolness that rose from the depths below.
"I was very pleased as I know I am in good shape and now have something else in swimming to have a go at, " he said.
BBC: SPORT | Olympics & Olympic sport | Swimming | Davies keen on Olympic 10k event
The Chinese should collect three medals from the shooting range this weekend to go along with Yang's medal in swimming, a near-automatic gold in women's three-meter synchronized diving, as well as two of the three gold medals that will be awarded in weightlifting.
There are a few spots for snorkelling and swimming, but the farther off shore you go, the closer to surfing territory you get.
These chemicals speed up your heart-rate, shut down your immune system, digestion, and reproductive systems, allowing you to use all the energy that would usually go toward, say, digesting a granola bar for swimming like hell to the beach.
FORBES: Overcoming Anxiety: Going Deep With 'Fear Project' Author Jaimal Yogis
"I've climbed rocks and gone swimming with sharks, but I won't go bungee jumping, and I've never liked roller coasters because those things aren't in my control, " says John F.
At the end of the summer, when it gets cooler, they even close their swimming pool to humans for two weeks and let it go to the dogs.
Plans to build a swimming pool that were dropped by a Surrey council could now get the go-ahead.
"You may have some impact injuries which would stop you swimming back to the harbour wall, you may hit something or you may go straight under, " he said.
Sometimes if I finish in time I can take my son either to swimming or Tae Kwan Do and my daughter may have a basketball game, so I go to that.