In like manner, many persons will prefer to hear lectures and sermons in the comfort and privacy of their own rooms, rather than to go to the church or the lecture-room.
The commission said the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, would make a final decision on whether the plan should go to the Church of England's general synod after the Blackburn vote.
And while I had been to Jerusalem before, where Jesus healed the sick, and cured the blind, and embraced the least of these, I also had a chance to go to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
But churches in the affected areas said many families and older people would not be able to afford to go to church if the charges were approved.
Priority would then go to the two Church of England schools.
BBC: Tudor Grange Academy admissions proposals cause concern
Parishioners could travel to these makeshift villages from far and wide, sleep overnight and go to church the next morning before beginning the long journey home.
The Free Church claimed then (just as those who have recently left the Free Church have claimed) that they were the true Free Church and that the property and funds of the Free Church should belong to them and not go into the United Free Church.
In her community near Cleveland, Ohio, people were afraid to go to church, walk in the street or let children play outside, she said.
CNN: 1918 flu survivors share memories as research continues
But 25 ministers and their congregations (mainly from the west highlands and the islands but with support in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh) refused to go into the United Free Church.
If the court grants a stay on the injunction, the church will likely to go to the Supreme Court to ask that it be reinstated, he said.
Given what may now happen in the courts, it had to go as a brand to prevent gangrene to the whole of Newscorp: the Church of England's investment fund has demanded the sacking of senior NI managers with immediate disinvestment in the entire Newscorp group as the sanction.
Half of this money will go to causes aligned with the Catholic Church.
You can go back to the beginning of the Church, or the Roman Empire, and there never was a time that the media was in the hands of people.
The suspect told detectives to go to the parking lot of the nearby Town Baptist Church, where they could -- and did -- find the rest of Agyei-Kodie's remains in a Dumpster.
It led to calls for the Church in Wales to "have a go again".
BBC: Women bishops on agenda for Church in Wales governing body
While Mark Broadway, another member of St Catherine's, said it was time for the church to go "back to basics".
The FBI allowed church officials a half-hour Saturday to go inside to gather the priests' robes, the wine and bread for Sunday's service.
Whether you go to church regularly or just attend the odd wedding or Christening, when the service starts we're all faced with the same dilemma - to sing or not to sing?
Ms. JENNIFER CLARK (Los Angeles): The fact that all the youth come together to pray and to go to mass shows that we're in support of what the church does and that we truly do love the Catholic Church and believe in what the Catholic Church teaches.
Among white evangelicals who go to church more than once a week, the gap is 54 points.
Developer Charles Church has been given the go ahead to build the homes in Exning near Newmarket.
Will it be the church that he will continue to go to on Sundays during his presidency?
Because, you know, it used to be a time where back in the day, it was like the young people, we'd go to church, but it's just null and void.
Or he would go to a church social and hide in a corner, watching the people dance.
Galileo was happy enough to go on doing research under the generally benevolent umbrella of the Church if only it would let him.
In fact, I was in Rome a couple of months ago and saw a debate between two priests over this, and the church has not decided which way to go.
Church and Longmarket Street are the places to go if you fancy a taste of the sub-continent.
Worthington minister Hector Androti(ph) says many people were too scared to go home, and numerous children spent the night with him at his church because both of their parents were in custody.
The decision allows the Ancient Order of Hibernian parade to go past a memorial and Mourne Presbyterian Church, where seven victims are buried.