You go to the University of London, a similar response by Gary MacDowell (ph)...
Bogner originally wanted to go to the University of Southern California, which is well-known for producing entertainment industry professionals.
He aspired to study civil engineering and wanted to go to the University of California, Berkeley, like his dad.
I'd go to the University of Washington in Seattle, a bike ride from my parents' houses, and give myself a chance to season up.
McCarthy (1912-86) wanted to go to the University of Virginia, Mr. Sarantakes tells us, but ended up at the Virginia Military Institute, a detail that would play a key role in his career.
Say your daughter Jane is 10, has no siblings and might go to an expensive private school or might go to the state university.
The government wants more young people to go to university - with the target of 50% entering higher education by the end of the decade.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | 'Study now, pay later' fee advice
Grades and education were of paramount importance, and the kids were pushed to go to an American university to get the education their parents never had.
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For instance, Bill Gates used to sneak out of the house to go spend time in the university computer lab before he was in high school.
He will insist that pledges to extend opportunities to the 50% who don't go to university, to get the banking system to support small businesses and greater regulation of the energy and train companies are all examples of just that and show that he is pursuing a different approach not just from the Tories but from New Labour as well.
He was told he needed a routine scan and thought he could simply go to the nearby Southend University Hospital.
The group, which includes many top universities, says changes to the funding system in England have meant students who wanted to go to a good university and had the right grades have not been able to.
"The government wants 50% of 18 to 30-year-olds to go to university and there aren't the graduate-status jobs to go with it, " he said.
"Of course universities have a useful role to play in deciding what should be tested at A level, but A levels need to test more than just the ability to go to university, " said Dr Bousted.
He stayed in town to go to medical school at the University of Kentucky and did his residency in the city.
Many college students that go to local universities like the University of Michigan or Michigan State University end up applying for jobs that are out of the state.
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You're the reason a young man right here in Columbus, whose mother worked three jobs to raise him, can now afford to go to college -- got to The Ohio State University.
As if to prove the point, when we go to Winchester University students' union midweek "bop", one girl politely introduces me to her parents who have come along with her.
He said in the meantime he planned to return to college, and if he was allowed to stay in the UK, hoped to go to university next year.
He decided to go back to school to study political science at the University of Wyoming, and 12 years later at the age of 34 Cheney became the youngest person to hold the position of White House chief of staff in the Gerald Ford administration.
Jim Wolfensohn was a second-year student at the University of Sydney when a friend of his and the captain of the fencing team, Rupert Bligh, asked if he wanted to go to Melbourne the next day to fence in the national university championships.
Promoting student exchanges We are working very hard in America to make sure that more of our own people go on to university, and also acquire the skills necessary to operate in the computer age.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
"Let the judges and the lawyers go to Islamic university, " Muslim Khan said.
Give A Grad A Go strives to fill the void between university career services, online job boards and recruitment agencies.
The education minister added: "I am hoping to go out shortly with a consultation document to determine the type of university education we should be supporting".
Paul Quarrie, senior specialist in the book department at Sotheby's, said it would be appropriate for the papers to go to Cambridge University.
DeCode is a small, unprofitable biotech firm founded by the genetics visionary Kari Stefansson , who left a tenured post at Harvard University to go back to Iceland and probe the genetics of an entire country.
Enforcement of insider-trading law tends to go up after periods of market stress, according to Laura Beny at the University of Michigan Law School.
It's not the first university to go online--if anything, MIT is a step behind.
He would go on to study mathematics and physics at the University of Melbourne.