Then there is Saints' other, more illustrious home-town departee, the already legendary Cunningham, who has marked his last three games for Saints with tries and is surely destined to go out with a bang.
The third film served up the perfect way for this franchise to go out with a bang.
If these are indeed the last days for the Hoyas in the super-sized Big East, they're certainly poised to go out with a bang.
Everyone came off the pitch knowing the only positive thought we had is that we are playing them again and we want to go out with a bang.
Apparently, she wanted to go out with a bang.
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"Knowing this was likely to be the last work that Thora would do, I wanted her to go out with a bang and certainly with a laugh, even if it was a dirty one, " Bennett said.
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The German-born millionaire, womanizer, photographer, art collector and man-about-globe had followed the fast-living course of his life to its end: Better to go out with a bang than with a whimper (Sachs was believed to have Alzheimer's disease).
"Some books go off with a loud bang when they first appear but many others do not, " said Mr Kidd, who is managing director of literary agency Aitken Alexander Associates.