U.S. military spokesman William Caldwell said that most of the intelligence came from senior Zarqawi aides, and focused on the comings and goings of a man known as Sheik Abdel Rahman.
He also attacked Britain's "celebrity society", stressing that "David and Victoria Beckham's comings and goings attract more attention than an earthquake in Algeria".
Those who attend pension conferences year-in and year-out witness the comings and goings of firms that enthusiastically discover and subsequently become disillusioned with pension marketing.
Instead of recording genes themselves, SAGE records the comings and goings of certain messengers.
In all these comings and goings, the army has tried to stay in the background.
There was some meagre consolation to be had from the comings and goings lower down in government.
It was judged to have "made perfect sense" of the comings and goings of the chinstraps in black and white.
Like a little ant farm, we'd have some God's eye view of the comings and goings of our tiny little un-selves.
But simplicity of movement will make life complicated for some poor taxpayers, who will have to record their comings and goings meticulously.
In addition, rival agents might be able to piece together confidential talks by observing the comings and goings of producers and movie stars.
He spent another year overlaying this map with prison routines- from the habits of guards to the comings and goings of delivery trucks.
As it rolls along, the tour takes on the air of a celebrity caravan, its comings and goings announced by dozens of radio stations.
Trescothick's comings and goings left his former opening partner Michael Atherton to speculate this week that his illness could be provoked specifically by being in India.
The frequent comings and goings at the station require a carefully co-ordinated traffic schedule and this cannot be disrupted for Vega's introduction - as important as it is.
The only light there was the red one on the top of one of the cameras that filmed the residents' comings and goings from before dawn until long after dusk.
The choreographed comings and goings of a phalanx of mobcapped young chambermaids are less a matter of upstairs-downstairs than of inside-outside: what do they know, and whom are they likely to tell?
At the Gamba protected-area complex, on the coast of Gabon, patrolling rangers make daily logs of deposits of flotsam from the industrial world that has arrived on their remote Atlantic beaches at the same time as they record the comings and goings of the local leatherback turtles.