Indeed, all may not be over for the software Goliath led by Chief Executive SteveBallmerSteve Ballmer.
The David-and-Goliath angle is about the biggest clich going in entrepreneurship, but it sometimes works.
There is no reason the story of David and Goliath should have involved David and Goliath.
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But MaxiVision's timing has made it an unwitting David to the emerging digital Goliath.
Goliath just stands there, a frozen, massive hulk of roiling conflict and sheer terror.
That's why, ultimately, Toshiba's David could yet topple Sony's Goliath in the current video wars.
Goliath Groupon may look mighty on its mountain of money with an army of salespeople.
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David caves to Goliath, Richard Branson to British Airways, Fred Smith to the U.S. Postal Service.
Sometimes they lose but not before making Goliath wonder whether he was a giant, after all.
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When the curator of the Louvre mocked him he sued him for defamation, David against Goliath.
He came at Goliath with a slingshot and staff because those were the tools of his trade.
Goliath-type case that could help define the NFL's antitrust status, is on the docket for Jan. 13.
Wal-Mart is a Goliath of retailing, but in online video it's a David compared with Apple's iTunes.
Ms Seltzer's victory over Mr Forbes was not quite the David versus Goliath struggle that she claims.
Indeed, all may not be over for the software Goliath led by Chief Executive Steve Ballmer .
And yet foundations are pumping 95% into Goliath year after year while giving David a little 5% slingshot.
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But Antigua is clearly trying to figure out what slingshot this David could use against the U.S. Goliath.
Indeed, acting like an insurgent doesn't always come naturally to a marketing Goliath.
David slays Goliath, but now this old plot is repeating with accelerating frequency.
Malcolm Gladwell has written a new book entitled How David Beats Goliath.
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We don't complain that David used a foreign object against Goliath, do we?
But it was unusual for an electronics Goliath such as Sony not to be fully invested in the mobile industry.
"It was David goes against Goliath, and this time David forgot to put the rock in his sling, " Huckabee said.
"It was kind of a David-and-Goliath situation, " recalls Mark Sweeney, a director at pipeline Sempra Energy, who negotiated with Aerie.
But the reality is his once-renegade tech company, the David to Microsoft's Goliath, is long been part of the mainstream.
McGowan, truly a visionary, taught others important lessons about the ability for David to take on Goliath in the corporate world.
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Ever the underling to the Tar Heels historic athletics program, this would be the chance for David to finally slay Goliath.
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It doesn't take long for Goliath -- the crowd favorite and big, hairy corporate incumbent -- to sniff out the intruder.
By contrast, smaller firms like Enki are betting their livelihoods on the emerging opportunity--and, in some cases, outperforming their Goliath competitors.
The Physician Hospital Association, of which Russell is president, has been playing David to their Goliath in Washington for a decade.
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