They could have stopped it at any moment: When they had looked in the almanac to choose the date (there was no day described as good for killing oneself, so they had settled for a day on which it was good to take a journey).
"While today is a good day for law enforcement, it's a disturbing day as well, because we expose the apparent ease with which these Wall Street professionals, corporate insiders, analysts and lawyers disregarded the rules and their duties to clients and shareholders for kickbacks and easy profits, " said Robert Khuzami, the director of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission, which also filed civil charges Thursday.
To be fair, Dean's a comedian, so maybe his partisanship is good for laughs, but it will give way to a desire for good policy to win the day -- even if the Republicans get some credit.
All in all it was a good day for the Dakar Lions and for Metsu.
Chancellor Merkel stood before the ranks of the Bundestag yesterday and declared it "a good day for Europe".
It was a good day for American skiers, with Ted Ligety triumphing in the men's giant slalom in Adelboden, Switzerland.
It was a good day for St Georges as Andy Johnson's 75 not out gave them a respectable total of 216-9.
It was a good day for Bachmann: a new poll showed her sharing the top position in Iowa with Mitt Romney.
Overall, it was a good day for British runners with a best-ever tally of four gold, five silver and three bronze medals.
It was a good day for the other big five brokerage firms, too, as Morgan Stanleyrose 4.3%, Goldman Sachs was lifted 2.4%, and Lehman Brothers increased 3.3%.
It proved a good day for Manchester as United's rivals City maintained their push for a Champions League place with a comfortable 2-0 home win over crisis-club Portsmouth.
Sometimes you have to interview them when they've had a bad day, but a lot of the time they'll have had a good day and then it's easy for both of us.
"Still, you'd have to say it was a good day for data, especially in light of what's been seen over the past three weeks, " DBS said, referring to weak hiring, manufacturing and retail sales reports that had suggested the U.S. economy was cooling.
"It's all well and good for Patrick McLoughlin... to say that some people are going to be upset but it's all for the greater good but at the end of the day it's my constituents in North West Leicestershire who are going to be upset, " he said.
As NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports, it was not a good day for the CEO.
"It is not a good day for confidence in the British way of doing things, " he told Today.
It had been a good day for Giuliani, beginning with the news that, for the first time, he led in the polls in South Carolina.
Conservative Mike Weatherley said it was a "good day for law-abiding citizens" but Green Party leader Caroline Lucas opposed the move, arguing that existing laws on squatting were sufficient.
When you consider the terrible side-effects caused by even over the counter pain relievers millions of people take every day for low back pain, it seems unethical to ignore the good news of these studies just because the mechanisms for how acupuncture works baffle us.
"It's an equally good day for physicians, " who can expect an uptick in patients and fewer hassles in sorting out who will finance care, Dr. Hoven said.
In the women's tournament, Kim Clijsters and Justine Henin made it a good day all-round for Belgium as the former world No. 1s progressed into the third round.
CNN: Djokovic dumped out in Miami; Clijsters and Henin progress
It's very soothing and kind of introspective, and it's good for a rainy day.
Only consolation (not that this is schadenfreude or anything) is that the PC used for programming it for independent flight apparently threw a hissy fit on the day, so the only good video available is of a guy piloting it.
"This was almost as exciting and after seeing the other girls win it was great to complete a really good day for British tennis, " said the 21-year-old from Surrey.
She and Rich used to drink red wine every day in reasonable quantities because it was supposed to be good for your heart.
"It was a bad day for UAVs and a good one for laser technology, " he added.
Faroe Islands boss Brian Kerr admitted it had been a "very, very good day" for his part-time team.