Introductions are too important to rush through and miss golden opportunities to make a goodfirstimpression and chances to connect firmly with colleagues.
Everywhere you turn someone is pleading for a Mulligan to correct a relationship gone awry or begging for a second chance to make a goodfirstimpression.
The Anthem's touch functionality didn't give a goodfirstimpression either, not responding on the first try for a handful of basic functions, and slowly dragging from pane to pane.
And that made Friday's practice important for Manuel to start making a goodfirstimpression before he and his fellow rookies join the veterans for a series of voluntary and mandatory minicamps that open on Monday.
My concerns for Mr. Obama aside, if you yearn for a second chance to make a goodfirstimpression I have some suggestions about how to maximize your chances for success if your belief that you can be seen in a good light rests on data, not dreams That your bad firstimpression was, in fact, an anomaly.