He's a good manager and does lots of good things that people don't see.
Glenn is very focused on catching people doing good things and highlighting it when they do.
And, while it is dominated by those who steadfastly believe in small government, what is the best role for government during an economic crisis and how does government do the good things that people want and need to have done?
The Department for Work and Pensions said the questionnaire was designed to highlight things that people were good at, and reaction to it had been positive.
What I liked most about The West Wing -- and what was most realistic to me -- was that instead of portraying people in Washington as either cynical or naive, our boss, Aaron Sorkin did a great job at portraying serious and deeply committed and well-intentioned people trying to do good things in what is a very difficult, complex and political environment.
Intractably bad socio-economic circumstances can and will lead good people to do bad things.
But we need a community of people to say good things about us, and that must be cultivated gradually.
If you are anywhere near the East Coast, I hope by now you are in a safe place and have a good stock of drinking water and flashlights and batteries and whatever else people who know about such things advise you to have.
Unidentified Man: As a people, we do well when we make good things and not so well when we don't.
Reportedly, he holds people accountable and expects them to deliver, both good things.
As Marty points out, most taxes entail economic costs because they discourage people from doing good things (working, for example) and encourage counterproductive things (tax shelters).
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So people are fairly used to the press saying good things about us and bad things about us.
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She eventually hired people to do the things she knew she was not good at and with each hire she shook in her shoes that she was overextending.
Alvarez says we want to live with passion and leave behind good video games, these are things that people can enjoy.
There are good and bad things about Europe, but the British people will not want to see the natural environment further threatened by a weakening of environmental legislation.
Some of the new rules are simply that things that some of the things our parents taught us, which were to be loyal, reliable, patient, keep your nose to the ground and good things come to those who wait, and give people the benefit of the doubt.
No matter how good the employer agency or the background check, things happen and people can change when their financial situations worsen.
My view is that cooperators who have done bad things do not become good people simply because they acknowledge their wrongdoing and testify against others.
One thing that is certain is that many people on Wall Street are very good at wrapping up old things with new paper and selling them to unknowing investors.
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When companies and people do the right thing, the majority of bloggers will write good things about them.
Being human, he recognised that things can be valued because they look good to eat and that people can be valued because you love them or admire them.
In both Atlas Shrugged and We The Living, you have more suicides of good people who finally realize what monstrous things they have done, or been a part of.
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But in any case, Cal Ripken, of course, won two MVP awards, played in 2, 632 consecutive games and really stood for a lot of the virtue in baseball, and a lot of the good things that baseball represents to a lot of people.
"We're recognizing more and more that not all care needs to be delivered face to face, " but only if people measure the right things and have a relationship with a doctor to help make good use of the findings, he stressed.
Steven and Margret are unlikely friends, living and working half a world apart, but are united by a common desire to facilitate all of the good things people are doing in the world to build self-reliance through financial empowerment and education, and in so doing, they are leaving their marks on the world.
But I think lists are also a good way to celebrate the things we enjoy in life, and celebration is important for people.
"People want to sort of turn their brain off and escape to things that make them feel good, " opines In Touch Editor in Chief Richard Spencer, who says he's made a conscious effort in recent weeks to include more uplifting stories in his publication for this very reason.
People may like to watch things blow up and see cool special effects, but they also want good stories.
We want people to realize this is one of many things that are going on, and maybe some are good and some are bad.
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"The sentiment building now is that things are improving, and people don't want to be underweight equities with a good data stream coming in next week, " Peckham says.