Danielle ended up living with her grandmother, where she thrived and became a good student.
"I guess when I look at it, I'm a pretty good student, " Amici says shyly.
He was a good student, but he wasn't at the top of his class.
Mareshia is 17, a good student, a cheerleader who's active in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps.
All references just say, 'Young so and so will get three As, she's been a good student...
Luckow herself was a good student, accomplished figure skater (her coach also coached Harding) and a would-be ventriloquist.
FORBES: Exploitation Or Honesty: Should Filmmaker Use Her Brother's iPhone Video Of His Own Madness?
Perhaps he started by being a really good student of speech writing technique.
Some faculty members said Quick was a good student there, Lone Star College-CyFair President Audre Levy told reporters Wednesday.
Still, Ireland is widely seen as the "good student" among the eurozone nations that have fallen victim to the debt crisis.
As a young leader, embrace generational differences and be a good student.
"What a waste, he was such a good student, " said another parent.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What We Have To Be Thankful For: Our Men And Women In Uniform
"I don't think there's ever been a textbook that made it this easy to be a good student, " Rosner said, according to Fortune.
In short, I was a good student, but not good enough.
FORBES: Reader Story: Avoiding Student Loans Gave Me a Head Start in Life
He "had a very good academic record" and "was a very good student, " Peters said, adding that there was "no indication" of any trouble involving him.
CNN: University shooter interested in 'peace and social justice'
Shanghai Daily and Beijing News say a primary school teacher in Shenzhen city stamped pupils on the forehead to show who was a good student and who was a bad student.
Anybody who has -- believes that you can try to predict the outcome of a Supreme Court case based solely on the questions of the justices is not a very good student of the Supreme Court.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
The good student and gifted drummer Lanisha (Kerry Washington), the sensitive, heavy-hearted Maria (Melissa Martinez), and the practical-minded Joycelyn (Anna Simpson) splendidly express the unpredictable ebb and flow of friendship and group spirit at a volatile stage of life.
You know, I was a very kind of good little student, so I had my good old ballpoint pen and I circled all the words, and my pages were just masses of these little circles.
Why not pursue the legal case for the good of future student-athletes?
FORBES: Apparently Goose Creek's Fight in South Carolina Was Only About Football After All
My response is this: If good nutrition for student athletes is that important, why is it only an option, not a requirement.
FORBES: The NCAA Fails Nutritional Needs of Student Athletes
Investing in the child's name may not be a good idea because the student's assets may count more than the parents' when applying for financial aid.
"At Portland State is where I began a foundation and vision, knowing football is not the only thing that I'm good at but I'm also good at being a student, " Fuller says.
The GSR measures the percentage of first-time, full-time freshman who graduate within six years of entering their original four-year institution, with modifications to account for (1) student-athletes who transfer from an institution before graduating who are in good academic standing and (2) student-athletes who transfer into an institution (e.g. from a community college or another 4-year college) and earn a degree.
Prior to the mid-May on-campus fight, "he was a student in very good academic standing, " Coleman said.
"I've been studying languages at UEA for the last four years and LLT has given me great teaching and really good facilities, " said student Gemma Cross.
The Aspen Prize recognizes community college excellence in the areas of student learning, degree completion, labor market success in securing good jobs after college, and minority and low-income student success.
Even borrowers with good credit can have trouble refinancing student loans.
Has the student provided a public good by disseminating this information?
FORBES: The Internet Age And The "Hot News" Doctrine Converge