Jersey's politicians have rejected a proposition to make food and fuel exempt from goods and services tax (GST).
Formal proposals for a goods and services tax are expected to be put to the States in the next few weeks.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Jersey | ?1m cost of implementing new tax
He pledged to reduce fuel subsidies and impose a goods and services tax.
By that he means rolling out a goods and services tax, cutting subsidies, easing conditions for investors and more.
Jersey has a 3% goods and sales tax and does not charge VAT.
Known as the Goods and Services Tax (GST), it would replace a tangle of state levies with a single, national one.
Senator Philip Ozouf said taking the Goods and Services Tax (GST) off healthy food was the wrong way to promote healthy lifestyles.
The 3% Goods and Services Tax was introduced in May because the government will be receiving less tax from the finance industry.
India needs a nationwide goods and services tax by next April.
Raising the goods and services tax (GST) in Jersey from 3% to 5% has caused people to spend less money, Jersey's Chamber of Commerce has said.
As Singapore moved to increase its goods and services tax rate to 7% from 5%, Hong Kong authorities were opting to forgo any such levy for now.
The treaty allows companies to avoid paying the same tax on goods or services in two countries, such as a financial transactions tax, or an income tax.
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The biggest, an effort to prune the country's dreadful thicket of indirect taxes into a tidier form, an all-India Goods and Services Tax, has been pushed back by a year, to April 2012.
The lack of economic debate may have been a relief to Mr Howard after his government's unpopular introduction of a "goods and services tax" (GST), similar to VAT was blamed for dampening the economy earlier this year.
Parera commended Mukherjee for sticking to the deadline of introducing a uniform goods and services tax by April 2010 and abolishing certain direct taxes--the fringe benefit tax, the commodities trading tax and the 10% surcharge on income tax.
People are spending less, so sales tax - levied on most goods - is also down and income tax receipts are expected to fall sharply.
The state's budget last month reimposed a barmy entry tax on goods from elsewhere in India.
Mr Howard proposes income-tax cuts financed by a new 10% tax on goods and services.
To replace the loss of revenues, Huckabee advocates a consumption tax on goods and services that includes a monthly "prebate, " designed to offset taxes on necessities.
"We have in the pipeline a proposal on internet commerce, but it is not commerce in the sense of distance selling of physical goods, " Commission tax official Stephen Bill said.
Previously, stores were only required to collect sales tax on goods shipped to states where they have a physical presence, however now state governments would obtain the ability to collect an Internet sales tax from businesses headquartered outside of their respective state borders.
Costa Rica's government has sent bills to congress that would tax money earned abroad, levy the sales tax on services as well as goods, and introduce a single form for income tax.
The impact of a long-proposed but yet-to-be-implemented national goods-and-sales tax is hard to predict.
Among his latest measures is a halving of the sales tax on capital goods.
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These include a goods-and-services tax and the sale of the government's remaining two-thirds share of Telstra, the country's main telecoms company.
Second, the law was introduced as a counterweight to trade-enhancing measures in Europe, such as the rebate of value-added tax on exported goods.
The previous Labour government temporarily cut VAT - a tax on most goods and services - from 17.5% to 15% in December 2008 in an attempt to boost consumer spending.
When these mature industries are foreign, supporters of the infant industry argument call for tariffs, a tax on foreign goods, to force the foreign price above the already higher price of the infant domestic goods.