Neither the gospels of Mark (circulating around 75 AD) nor John (100-120AD ) have birth stories.
Gospels, created by monks on Northumberland's Holy Island in AD700, are currently in the British Library.
The way Jesus talks in John is quite different from the accounts in the other three Gospels.
On Monday the newly formed Lindisfarne Gospels Community Choir performs at the cathedral to kick off the countdown.
Of all the stories passed down through the gospels, this one in particular speaks to me during this season.
In 1997 Cantelon published The Words, a compilation of Jesus' words taken from the four Gospels of the New Testament.
Tickets for a rare chance to see the 1, 300-year-old Lindisfarne Gospels in the north-east of England have gone on sale.
BBC: Lindisfarne Gospels Durham exhibition tickets go on sale
The Lindisfarne Gospels contain the oldest surviving translation of the Gospels into the English language and are in almost perfect condition.
BBC: Lindisfarne Gospels Durham exhibition tickets go on sale
Lichfield Cathedral's exhibition will centre on three of its contents: the Anglo-Saxon treasures, the St Chad Gospels and the Lichfield Angel.
The Gospels, created by monks on Northumberland's Holy Island in AD700, in honour of St Cuthbert, are currently in the British Library.
The reading of the account of the Lord's Passion, from the gospels, echoed in Roman Catholic churches around the world on Friday.
March 21st will also see Gospels campaigners invade Downing Street with a petition to Tony Blair pleading for the book's return north.
The second is, of course, the Shroud referred to in the Gospels.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Shroud mystery 'refuses to go away'
Although he respects Jesus for promoting peace and love, he finds the character portrayed in the Gospels too glib and condescending to his disciples.
The college is home to the Book of Kells, an eighth century set of gospels created by the monks of the Abbey of Kells in County Meath.
From small differences in the four Gospels, they drew big conclusions.
Speaking of Jesus, a great deal of the Gospels is spent in recounting stories about his dealings with unwelcome and unwanted immigrants of one sort or another.
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The Gospels were carried for 200 years around the region together with the body of St Cuthbert before reaching Durham in AD995, where they remained until the Reformation.
The gospels are replete with stories of Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, making the lame walk, restoring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf.
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It will be the first time since the 16th century that the jewelled cross, travelling altar and sapphire ring found in St Cuthbert's coffin are shown alongside the Gospels.
BBC: Lindisfarne Gospels Durham exhibition tickets go on sale
It will be the first time since the 16th Century that the jewelled cross, travelling altar and sapphire ring found in St Cuthbert's coffin will be shown alongside the Gospels.
Virtually every visible interior surface of this stone temple, save the floor, is devoted to sculpted representations of deities and mythical beings drawn from the gospels of the Jain sects.
The list also includes medieval treasures stolen by occupying allied soldiers after the war, such as a priceless 9th century manuscript of the Gospels which was only recently returned to Germany.
The Gospels were carried 1, 000 miles around the region from Holy Island, with the body of St Cuthbert, for 200 years before reaching Durham Cathedral in AD995, where they remained until the Reformation.
Bishop Irenaenus of Lyon sought to keep things simple in 180 when he and a group of clerics restricted the texts used for worship to the four Gospels that have since become so familiar.
As I've grown older, I appreciate more than ever before the strength of this figure, Jesus, who emerges in the four canonical Gospels, and the Gnostic gospels, as a witty, intelligent, complex, inspiring, and often contradictory person.
But Henry VIII's battles with the church ended this semi-autonomy, and in 1537, partly to show that his writ was now unchallenged throughout England, his henchmen smashed open St Cuthbert's tomb and carried off the Gospels to London.
The 176-page volume, which comprises a brief foreword, four chapters and an epilogue, traces Jesus' life up to the age of 12, when, according to the Gospels, he was presented by his parents in the Temple in Jerusalem, the Vatican said.