After bare-knuckled bargaining with the city, he won tax breaks to refurbish a rundown hotel near Grand Central Terminal.
One day, he was ordered to join about 100 other men in New York City's Grand Central Terminal.
If your itinerary only allows time for Manhattan, shop the Transit Museum Gallery Annex and Store in Grand Central Terminal.
Reduced service will operate between South Norwalk and New York's Grand Central Terminal.
In New York, The Tuscany opened 18 December near Grand Central Terminal.
The Roosevelt Hotel, near Grand Central Terminal, opened in 1924 and was celebrated bandleader Guy Lombardo's performance venue for 30 years.
Mr. Malkin went to the firm of Beyer Blinder Belle, restoration architects for Grand Central Terminal and other landmark structures.
WSJ: The Empire State Building's Luster Returns | By Ada Louise Huxtable
This weekend, at least two national things will celebrate their 100th birthday: Grand Central Terminal and our national income tax.
FORBES: An Unlikely Super Bowl Ad For the 100th Birthday Of Our Income Tax
Located in the MetLife building, where it connects to Grand Central Terminal.
Lynn, who I spoke with as she waited for a subway at Grand Central Terminal, was typical of the wary but resigned attitude.
"Penn Station is a disaster, " said Vin Cipolla, president of the Municipal Art Society that helped save Manhattan's now-glorious Grand Central Terminal from demolition.
The friend met officers at New York's Grand Central Terminal and then led them to Acevedo in Bethlehem, about 80 miles away, police said.
Outside Grand Central Terminal on Thursday, Ari Staiman, 43, a lawyer, was showing colleague Steven Baer, 26, how to check the bikes in and out.
WSJ: Open to All, New York City Bike Share Copes With Glitches
At a CBS studio in Grand Central Terminal a young broadcaster named Jim McKay narrated the day's Olympic highlights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Few places in town can match the spectacular Grand Central Terminal.
The new offices, which Bloomberg will move into late this year, are located at 120 Park Avenue, just across 42nd Street from Grand Central Terminal.
Having transformed many city neighborhoods through zoning, Mr. Bloomberg said the administration would plow ahead on plans to allow taller skyscrapers around Grand Central Terminal.
Commuters in identical gray suits and hats pour like lava through Grand Central Terminal and settle to work in vast open floors with shaded glass partitions.
Roger Thornhill's iconic journey starts in the palatial Grand Central Terminal with the much repeated theme of the fugitive trying to board a train without being spotted.
The department has focused its camera network on the Financial District in Lower Manhattan and on such iconic sites as the Empire State Building and Grand Central Terminal.
They say they still use the tactic when they see a spike in thefts of personal property in public places such as Grand Central Terminal or Central Park.
Regular service will operate between Stamford and Grand Central Terminal.
The New York exhibition, known as "The Rumble on the Rails" and to be held at Grand Central Terminal, is designed to highlight the sport's international appeal and popularity.
The year before, 160 individuals formed a flash mob in Grand Central Terminal, where, to the sounds of Barbra Streisand and Prince, they executed a seven-minute dance routine inspired by Bob Fosse.
But developers also would have to pay for the right to build big: either by purchasing privately owned air rights over Grand Central Terminal or by contributing to a fund to pay for infrastructure upgrades.
About 700 people were on board the Metro-North trains when one heading east from New York City's Grand Central Terminal to New Haven derailed at about 6:10 p.m. just outside Bridgeport, transit and Bridgeport officials said.
"The whole city was crumbling, and then we elected Ed Koch, " Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday during a ceremony marking the centennial of Grand Central Terminal, a once-crumbling edifice Koch helped save from the wrecking ball.
There will be a replica of the terminal made of Lego bricks as well as an exhibit called "Grand by Design: A Centennial Celebration of Grand Central Terminal, " showcasing the history and impact of Grand Central.
"We have received a proposal from Apple that has the potential to bring a great new shopping destination to iconic Grand Central Terminal and significantly increase revenues for the MTA's transportation system, " said Julie Glave, MTA spokeswoman.
CNN: Apple proposes its largest store in Grand Central Terminal