He hung graphs of the data, down to the gram, on the bathroom wall.
The app also creates graphs of moods over time so users can detect patterns.
There are countless post election charts and graphs that detail just how expensive our election was.
At a conference in 1998, Mr Sidgmore's presentation included graphs that referred to 1, 000% annual growth.
He naturally gravitated to those on the team who enjoyed charts, graphs and crunching numbers.
Take a look at the graphs below before deciding where you stand on the HP-Autonomy row.
The results, summarized in the graphs below, show that economists overwhelmingly disagree with the statement.
As customers respond, the program tracks the cost per lead for each campaign and graphs the results.
Using Eurostat, I prepared a number of graphs showing how Poland and Latvia responded to the crisis.
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If you're into your data, you can also access trigger statistics from the software, complete with graphs.
ENGADGET: Wireless Sensor Tags alert you to movement and temperature changes, fit on your keyring
Because graphs are extremely flexible data structures, a graph database can emulate any other kind of database.
There are strategy sessions and focus groups and smarty-pants consultants with their pie charts and bar graphs.
Zooming-out, she views a wall on which historical graphs of cholesterol and body mass index are projected.
The paper appears to be paywalled, but you can view its two graphs at this link.
We are trying to better understand sharing behavior but content discovery goes beyond our social graphs.
You can see from these two graphs that fear peaked mid-2012 at which point anger took over.
Tweak these assumptions with more informed growth estimates and the gloom-and-doom graphs that Ryan presents would shrink significantly.
These graphs reflect changes in air pollution levels over the years for the components that this study tested.
The numeracy tests cover reading graphs and tables, as well as mental arithmetic questions including percentages and fractions.
So, what do the graphs and tables tell us of the reality of rural life in England today?
Brand awareness and likability will fluctuate up or down on graphs intended to make real such ethereal intangibles.
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Economists produce graphs showing how, even with debt peaking at about 170% of GDP, Greece could pay its way.
ECONOMIST: The streets of Athens are in the grip of an ugly mood
The paper has excellent graphs showing the effects of leverage and identifying the historically optimum leverage for selected markets.
Open social graphs like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and now Pinterest have all disrupted the idea of sharing online.
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When feedback is illustrated on charts and graphs, the impact is even greater.
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Have a look at graphs 4 and 5 on page 27 here.
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Users can check formulas and graphs at the same time on the display, making it easier to grasp their relationships.
ENGADGET: Casio's touchscreen graphing calculator arrives in 2013, makes the TI-84+ look dated
"You tell somebody a good story, that's more powerful than tons of data, charts and graphs and statistics, " he says.
"We're trying to leverage social graphs that already exist, so people can import them and build on them, " he notes.
Last year, Mr. Mower read a book ("Passionate Marriage, " by David Schnarch) that inspired him to throw out the graphs.