Their bravery gave Christendom time both to regroup, and to realize the gravity of the threat.
During the hour and a half flight, space nuts get a total of 450 seconds of zero gravity.
The difference may be where the center of gravity of the body politic lies.
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Will it be possible to document the quantity and gravity of any such changes?
Loop quantum gravity can be visualised, as its name suggests, as a mesh of loops.
Like a human, it can quickly shift its center of gravity and change direction.
Stars, such as our sun, are giant balls of gas held together by gravity.
The opportunity for assessment will rapidly improve in coming years if high-precision gravity measurements are continued.
In due time, it is argued, the laws of political gravity will pull him back down.
Defying gravity, defying sense, it grew longer than the unsmoked part of the cigarette.
Gravity was not a physical force but was caused by a curvature in space-time.
Unleash unique power-up abilities for each Super Critter including Time Warp, Anti-Gravity abilities and more!
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You may be aware of Goce, the European Space Agency's gravity mapping satellite.
And, thanks to its low gravity and lack of atmosphere, a much simpler construction site.
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However, the gravity and finality of these instances are really just a blip on the radar.
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Kerry is to strength what anti-matter is to matter, what anti-gravity is to gravity.
It consists of 359 movement components, including 167 parts for the Gyroscopic gravity control module.
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Encouraged by the wind, it defies gravity and flows up the gentle incline toward the trees.
The members in the executive suite should be subject to the same laws of gravity.
The first in the series, a gravity mapper called Goce, was launched in March 2009.
The Chinese have clearly grasped the significance of the relationship between information and center of gravity.
For 1998 IBM and Allstate, selling at below-market valuations, are my low- center-of-gravity ball carriers.
All else being equal, small creatures are "stronger" in lifting their bodies against gravity.
Here on the Earth's surface we live at the bottom of a gravity well.
The situation deteriorates each day, but Argentina is not yet slave to gravity alone.
Once I was in bed again, a kind of black-hole gravity held me there.
Commentators of all types have fiercely debated the gravity of these crimes in recent months.
This charming little platformer is a cooperative-play game that has two opposite planes of gravity.
The duo are actually building two different models: the simple, gravity-powered Glide and the motorized Flow.
Giant corporations must fight gravity: It's harder for them to show the growth metrics we favor.