Ashkenazi has taken great pride in his consistent refusal to prepare the IDF to launch a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities against the expressed wishes of Netanyahu and Barak.
Yediot Aharonot and Haaretz heralded Chomsky as a great mind and proclaimed hysterically that the refusal to allow him to enter the country marked the end of Israeli democracy and the start of a slide into fascism.
Despite her artsy credentials, history of philanthropy and quirky refusal to hire a driver despite her great wealth ( evidence: two DUIs), Walton the second richest woman in America is no trustafarian liberal.
Their refusal to give Obama any credit for the fall of Gadhafi (some gave more credit to Great Britain and France) and harsh criticisms of his Iraqi timetable (the final pullout from Iraq was set by George W. Bush, not Obama) plays well with the Republican base, but looks small to other voters.
And the US-led international community's refusal to take any action against Iran in response to this latest evidence of its rogue behavior is a great victory for the mullahs.