EU's groping into the defence field will nevertheless make a difference, in the worst possible way.
ECONOMIST: The EU turns its attention from ploughshares to swords
Because any time the slightest whiff of boredom sets in, the kids start robotically groping for it.
U.S. air travel is a miserable experience--bad service, long lines, grumpy flight crews and groping security agents.
Germany is groping for a mix of top-down direction-setting and bottom-up buy-in for its Energiewende to work.
From whistling to catcalling, and even groping, street harassment is an everyday reality for many women around the world.
Mr. Lipner accuses Rabbi Moshe Eisemann of groping him when he attended Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore.
FORBES: Blogger Exposes Sexual Abuse in Orthodox Jewish Community
Without a clear framework of ideas, he was still groping in the dark.
At this point, the victim struck Erramilli and yelled at him after realizing that he had been groping her.
Lawyers say those laws needs to be updated to include crimes such as sexual harassment, groping, stalking and acid attacks.
Since then, several small companies have been groping for the technology and funding to bring electric cars back to the streets.
It's likely the rough road was at least in part caused by the duo groping for a new approach to its music.
The legislation contains new penalties for stalking, groping, voyeurism and acid attacks.
The case against the Super Mario charged with groping is still pending.
Prolaris, a prostate cancer prognostic that Meldrum thinks has the potential earning power of BRACAnalysis, is still groping for guidelines from urological societies.
The two parties will spend much of the next four years groping towards a relationship to make a left-leaning coalition possible in 2013.
Director James Whale's adaptation of the Mary Shelley novel and Karloff's compassionate portrayal of a creature groping for identity make Frankenstein a timeless masterpiece.
In other areas the industry is still groping its way: 4, 000 online malls, supermalls and malls-of-malls are no fun for anyone, least of all the retailers.
The investigation emerged the week after an Air Force commander with similar responsibilities was arrested for allegedly groping a woman in a car park in Arlington, Virginia.
She came close enough to his open window for him to see that she was actually trembling, her lips groping like those of a child near tears.
And the report comes just days after the Air Force's head of sexual assault prevention was arrested on charges of groping a woman in a Northern Virginia parking lot.
In India it is euphemistically referred to as "eve teasing", in Japan groping on the subway has long been a problem, and the attack on Lara Logan in Egypt gained international attention.
Collingwood could have fallen almost immediately in similar circumstances after a leg-break had him groping uncertainly and he was very lucky when Yuvraj had a strong lbw appeal turned down.
The report was released Tuesday and comes just days after the Air Force's head of sexual assault prevention was arrested on charges of groping a woman in a Northern Virginia parking lot.
What made it most amazing was that she had spoken articulately, no ums and uhs, no telepromper, no groping for words, for more than forty five minutes without so much as a note.
So, on television on March 8th, said Eric Massa, a Democratic congressman from New York who faced a spot of bother in Congress after allegations of groping a male staffer and has now resigned.
The White House acknowledged in the filing released Monday that Clinton agreed with a recommendation to release the letters but to delay a decision on when to release them until the groping allegations were broadcast.
CNN: White House says Willey letters released to subvert allegations
The Judiciary Committee, which is in charge of the impeachment hearings, took testimony from three witnesses connected with Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who claims to have been the object of presidential groping.
Since Glenn Murphy came on as CEO in 2007, Gap has taken on the look of a mature yet well-managed company, as opposed to earlier years when it seemed to be groping unsuccessfully to restart its growth.