• The pair's radars work by constantly bouncing microwave pulses off the ground and sea surface.

    BBC: Mapping Earth's surface in 3D

  • China's space surveillance is being complemented by even more capable ground and sea systems.


  • Mr Chesworth said that in his south of England region there was a cast-iron case for designating, among others, Bembridge Levels on the Isle of Wight - home of the stalked jellyfish and Poole Harbour - a key breeding ground for sea horses.

    BBC: Cash shortage stretches to sea bed

  • The Song of the Whale crew sailed the busy fishing ground of the Baltic Sea for the first time this summer listening for signs of harbour porpoises.

    BBC: On the trail of the whale

  • Obering went on to say that the U.S. would be investing in a "good experimental foundation" that would add to the country's existing sea and ground-based missile defenses.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 2007: A Chinese space odyssey

  • Participants produced a ground shaking map of the Dead Sea region and training courses in PSHA, HAZUS, David Boore's Ground Shaking and other software have been given.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • He wanted to get out the window, drop to the ground, run into the sea across the road.

    NEWYORKER: Teaching

  • Further south, the shop Saipua crafts unorthodox candle and hand soap scents, like cracked sea salt or ground coffee and mint.

    BBC: A remote hook in New York��s harbour

  • So, for example, having an operational Airborne Laser system and a ground based system give the sea based interceptor more timely and accurate information with which to do its job.


  • Robichaux liked the fact that it was on higher ground, 8 feet above sea level, compared with 4 feet below sea level at the school he was supposed to run, KIPP Phillips.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Without these firms, hydrocarbons would largely stay in the ground or locked in the sea-bed, heavy manufacturing would be difficult to impossible, electricity and communications would be more episodic and primitive, and the list goes on.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Doing business with Iran

  • There are sea based systems and ground based systems for intercepting ballistic missiles.


  • I've been taking part for six years and sometimes we have had to go into the sea with snow on the ground.

    BBC: North Sea dippers see in new year at Whitley Bay

  • Conversely, a Northeast Asia MRC force could be tilted in favor of additional air and sea units with a smaller ground combat component in recognition of the capabilities of the South Korean army.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Section IV: Building a Two-MRC Force for the 21st Century

  • The South Wales Evening Post reported the next day that around 30 Cardiff supporters were chased into the sea, a short distance from the ground.

    BBC: Supporters can be the winners

  • To assure the Russians that this initiative would only modify, not imperil, the U.S.-Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty signed in 1972, however, the Administration intends to reaffirm in a new agreement the earlier accord's bans on sea-, air-, mobile ground- and space-based missile defenses of the territory of the United States.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The Wee Bankie is a rich sandeel ground some 40 kilometres (25 miles) out to sea but still well within the feeding range of local seabird breeding colonies.

    BBC: Ministers consider sandeel fishing ban

  • Tepco said that while water may have leaked into the ground, it did not believe the water had reached the sea.

    BBC: Fukushima nuclear plant: radioactive water 'leak'

  • Perhaps the sea battles in AC3 was a sort of proving ground and getting to work and feel right, so they use the tech in Black Flag perhaps?

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • The Dwarf King goes from being committed to the productive arts of mining and metallurgy to simply gazing at the veritable sea of gold which he has gathered under the ground.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Growing up beside the sea Peter found himself drawn to Martin Parr's ground breaking, and indeed controversial look at the seaside resort of New Brighton.

    BBC: England Uncensored by Peter Dench

  • Her skin, every follicle and flaw in focus in the ground glass of his lens, had the same sun- and sea-wind weathering, but fainter, of the stones of the Californian desert, and her hips had the convolutions of the naked mountains.

    ECONOMIST: Charis Wilson

  • But at 95 degrees Fahrenheit and 5, 352 feet above sea level, with no takeoff flaps, we needed more ground speed.

    FORBES: Flying Eclipse's Pocket Jet

  • Impressed by arguments that nuclear energy is a proven source of low-carbon power, and worried about the dependence on foreign fossil fuels caused by the decline of North Sea oil and gas, the government has been preparing the ground for a nuclear revival.

    ECONOMIST: Nuclear power draws nearer as renewables retreat

  • During the earthquake, the ground level dropped by a metre, while the tsunami destroyed Onagawa's sea wall.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Ground-based missile defense is especially costly and not nearly as effective as sea- and space-based systems would be.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • So before rebuilding houses, shops and factories, the sea wall will have to be restored and heightened, and the ground raised.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Somewhat ironically, U2's "Beautiful Day" came blaring through the tannoy as heavy rain pounded down on the Ravenhill pitch and the sea of flags, scarves and hats in all corners of the ground created a colourful backdrop for what everyone hoped was going to be a very special European Friday night occasion.

    BBC: Ulster restore pride in white jersey

  • Inversely, if the sea based interceptor misses, you could still have a satellite, airborne, and ground based capability.


  • The swirling green mound rises up from a sea of mud and rubble - an extraordinary sight not yet properly visible from the ground.

    BBC: Above Scotland with an aerial archaeologist

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