So far, there is no significant presence of U.S. ground troops in the north.
The United States responded with a military buildup, including ground troops deployed to Kuwait.
But McCain added that he is not advocating sending ground troops to the nation.
After Kuwait was liberated in 1991, Cheney spoke out against sending ground troops into Baghdad.
You write that you urged for American ground troops, US Army Rangers to be deployed.
Even so, the subject of ground troops was Topic A at the fringes of the conference.
The F-35 can be used for other functions, such as close air support for ground troops.
Ground troops reportedly went about a mile and half inside of Iraqi Kurdistan then withdrew.
In Kosovo itself, the air strikes, without the arrival of ground troops, could be disastrous.
Yet even if politicians were ready to commit ground troops, the obstacles would be formidable.
Indeed, a majority of Americans would commit ground troops only against terrorist training camps.
In all of these conflicts, however, Americans favoured surgical air strikes over the deployment of ground troops.
The combatant commanders request aircraft carrier presence the same way they request ground troops or aircraft deployments.
FORBES: Why Does The United States Only Have Eleven Aircraft Carriers?
The fierce critic of Obama administration policy in Syria has stopped short of backing U.S. ground troops there.
The EU plans to create its own defence force of up to 60, 000 ground troops deployable by 2003.
Some women have already gone on patrols with ground troops, helping to talk with female civilians in Afghanistan.
CNN: Former troops say time has come for women in combat units
Bosnia, I have opposed the sending of ground troops to the former Yugoslavia.
But our policy on ground troops has not changed, and there are no signs it is going to change.
CNN: White House: U.S. open to review of use of ground troops
" "It's time for him to say that ground troops are a possibility.
Also under review would be the presence of U.S. ground troops in Kuwait.
From a military perspective, one question that must be answered is whether Israel will move its ground troops in.
As French ground troops multiply in Mali, the country's papers are asking how France can avoid getting bogged down.
The problem, however, is that an alternative endgame scenario where Gadhafi is removed would necessitate a commitment of ground troops.
FORBES: Europe And The Endgame Scenarios For Intervention In Libya
The 7, 400 British ground troops in Iraq guarantee Mr Blair's status with Mr Kerry as much as with Mr Bush.
On Sunday, some key members of Congress said that ground troops are needed to end the conflict in Kosovo.
When that failed, the administration launched air strikes, still clinging to the assumption that ground troops would not be needed.
And so, for the moment at least, the Clinton team is united in ruling out the option of ground troops.
Some of the possibilities that have been reported include ground troops, CF-18 jet fighters and naval frigates on the front lines.
Sir Michael said any deployment of ground troops would probably be only for a short period, with very clearly defined objectives.
An actual deployment would probably involve far fewer ground troops, and from various nations, but it underscores the scope of the challenge.