Gift Trapence, from the campaign group Centre for the Development of People, welcomed the decision.
The Co-operative Group centre will be set up to deliver 68 million cases of groceries a year.
Research group Centre for Cities said the private sector's struggle to create enough jobs to aid growth was "playing out very differently across UK cities".
The launch was led by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the advisory group the Centre for Corporate Accountability.
But Bob Heasman, chairman of business group Dartford Town Centre Partnership, welcomed the scheme.
Imperial College London will lead the academic group at the Centre which includes King's College.
He set up a lobby group called the Centre For Self Reliance and campaigned for access rights in Sarajevo for wheelchair users.
Countryside ranger Peter Stevens said he had gathered all the group inside the centre and gave directions on returning to the car park.
The scheme, organised by The Kinder Visitor Centre Group, is also backed by climber Sir Chris Bonington, and Roy Hattersley, former deputy leader of the Labour Party, and Peak District enthusiast.
The new mayor of Milan, Giuliano Pisapia, was not the choice of Italy's biggest opposition group, the centre-left Democratic Party, but of the smaller and more radical Left, Ecology and Freedom movement, led by the governor of Puglia, Nichi Vendola.
Deana Selby, a spokesman for the group which has a centre at Bridgend, said a big problem with stray puppies always emerged in the summer.
It also established a non-profit group called the National Centre for the Elimination of Boryokudan (crime syndicates), to advise companies on avoiding the yakuza and rally citizens to complain, as in the recent suits.
At the centre of the group was a blind boy, as alert and as slight as a gazelle.
The scheme is offering jobs from business support and customer service with the Plus Dane Group to catering in city centre restaurant 60 Hope Street.
Further proof came in another story making waves in Strasbourg, the departure of British Conservatives from the main centre-right group, the European People's Party (EPP).
Centre-right group spokseman and Irish Fine Gael MEP Jim Higgins told MEPs that at any one time "45, 000 vehicles breach tachograph rules", leading to "more fatigued drivers".
However, England also face tough matches against Ukraine and Belarus - and there were gasps in the audience at Durban's International Convention Centre as the group was completed.
While trouble flared mainly in the city centre, the group started a small fire at the Bartons Arms pub in Aston before blockading the nearby A34 dual carriageway.
The father of a boy killed in the IRA bomb attack in Warrington has asked a former leader of the group to lecture at a centre set up in his son's memory.
The continued scandal around the 76-year-old Mr Berlusconi has made other parties increasingly reluctant to work with him in parliament after last week's inconclusive election, where his centre-right group achieved second place.
However, the parliament's centre-right group supported the agreement.
At the centre of the group's financial crisis is the performance of the car division, which accounts for some 40% of sales, and which made a whopping euro429m operating loss in the first quarter alone.
He said that some whales appeared to guard the bottom of this "bait ball", preventing the prey from sinking to unreachable depths, while other animals in the group took advantage of the centre of the ball.
If predators are able to operate only in the same number of dimensions as their prey as is the case for lions and zebra, or barracuda and schooling fish then individuals at the centre of a group really should be safer than those at the edges.
Jo Woodhams's children attended the Charteris centre in Welland and now uses the centre for a youth group.
The guidance was put together by a team including midwives, obstetricians and patient group representatives from the National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health (NCCWCH).
Meanwhile, Joseph Daul, leader of the centre-right EPP group - of which the British Conservatives used to be a member - hit out at UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
However, Markus Ferber, representing the centre-right EPP group in parliament, said the proposals should be rejected, arguing "there are better ways to save the world than via tax legislation".
Several MEPs from the centre-right EPP group criticised the European Parliament for holding a vote on Acta before the European Court of Justice deliver its ruling on the legality of the treaty.