Congress is getting ready to debate a bill that would support a guest worker program.
The president said he wanted to create a guest worker program and provide tough border enforcement.
NPR: Kennedy, McCain Introduce Immigration, Guest Worker Bill
And the advocates lobbied hard for the guest worker bill expected to be introduced today.
NPR: Kennedy, McCain Introduce Immigration, Guest Worker Bill
It creates a guest worker program which would cover, in theory, millions of workers.
Either you have enforcement or you have a, some sort of guest worker plan.
Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, a Senate committee will hold its own hearing on the need for a guest worker program.
Six years later, business and labor have agreed to a plan for a guest worker program.
The Republican National Committee reformed its immigration platform this month to favor a new guest worker program.
FORBES: Low-Skilled Immigrant Workers Are Vital Contributors To The Economy
The employees that are working in my restaurants as part of a guest worker program are no exception.
Obama has so far not mentioned a guest worker program in his broad outlines of an immigration reform plan.
The current reform proposal, Nassif said, also includes a viable guest worker program to provide a future flow of workers.
It would also enable tens of thousands of legal immigrants to come to the US under a guest worker programme.
She chronicles the rise of the Minute Men, guest worker programs in New Orleans, and the struggles of Haitian refugees.
On Tuesday, Republican Party platform drafters agreed to add a plank calling for a guest worker program for temporary migrants.
Cunha wants Congress to pass the so-called Ag Jobs bill that would create a special guest worker program for agricultural workers.
White House support is also uncertain since the bill differs greatly from the guest worker program President Bush outlined last year.
NPR: Kennedy, McCain Introduce Immigration, Guest Worker Bill
It was hard-lined Republicans in the House of Representatives, who most ardently opposed the President's call for a guest worker program.
It addresses border security but also includes a guest worker program and a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants already in the country.
Stricter border controls, fewer opportunities in construction, and the lack of a workable guest worker visa are keeping these demanded workers away.
President Bush has long called for a guest worker program, and yesterday he said he saw common ground on that with Democrats.
The Judiciary Committee also seems set to approve a guest worker program.
"A guest worker program we can develop -- one that will work, I hope we can develop, " said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado.
While unions exist to help American workers, so many of whom have historically been immigrants, most have no use for guest worker programs.
He wants a new guest worker program that would eventually allow many people now in the United States illegally to gain permanent status.
But exploitation doesn't have to be part of the deal, and not every guest worker program is run as badly as that one.
Besides driving most unauthorized immigration into the legal market, a large guest worker program would allow growth in some parts of the economy.
Marco Rubio, are again pushing a temporary guest worker program that is favored by the business community and agricultural interests that depend on seasonal employment.
Patrick Leahy has pushed to expand a guest worker program to dairy farmers, who in Vermont rely on an estimated 1, 500 to 2, 000 illegal workers.
The White House describes it as in between amnesty and a guest worker program, which gives workers legal status for a set period of time.