Kevin Nugent's guide dog, Orlando, was attacked between May and June in Alperton, Brent, north-west London.
He was travelling to the European Parliament to press for improved rights for guide dog owners.
Mr Gwernan-Jones added that there was a "huge psychological impact" on owners following a guide dog attack.
Mr Tovey dedicated the award to Guide Dog Mobility Instructor, Emma Yard, who trained the two to work together.
BBC: Guide Dog of the Year pulls owner out of 'living nightmare'
In 1999, his then guide dog Lucy threw up in the Chamber during the speech of his Tory opponent.
The two, and their guide dog, were then escorted from the room.
Sarah Craig, from Bridgend, is visually impaired and uses a guide dog.
He travelled to Brussels from Ebbsfleet International station in Kent, but had chosen not to take his guide dog on the return journey.
Edinburgh guide dog owner Elaine MacKenzie said current bus services made it difficult for her and her guide dog Una to get out and about.
Now on any given day, Canavan can be found with his guide dog Khara walking up and down his street carrying water jugs to his Busy Lizzies and hollyhocks.
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That fame became national news last week when Dez was named 'Guide Dog of the Year 2012' at an annual award ceremony held by the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
BBC: Guide Dog of the Year pulls owner out of 'living nightmare'
His relaxed performances - with his guide dog by his side - at the despatch box, in the Labour Party's National Executive, and on the conference platform made it easy to forget his disability.
If a dog attacks a guide dog it will be an aggravated offence, and when courts are deciding if a dog needs to be destroyed the character of the owner will be taken in to account.
While most residents understand why a blind person needs a guide dog, they are often less willing to accept an animal whose function is to help people with less obvious disabilities, such as depression or panic attacks.
WSJ: Should 'Support Dogs' Be Allowed in No-Pets Buildings?--WSJ House Talk
If you're still not convinced about at-home training, the Dog Owner's Guide features a detailed checklist of what to look for in a dog training program.
The point is that Allen practically uses Soon-Yi as a seeing eye dog to guide him through the treacherous maze of real people who don't live within the carefully circumscribed confines of Woody World.