What are the principal lessons learnt from these studies carried out in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau and Gambia?
For at least a decade, Guinea-Bissau has played a key role in the drug trade.
He later fled to nearby Gambia in August 2008, returning to Guinea-Bissau over a year later.
According to the organisation, thousands of children are being trafficked between Senegal and neighbouring Guinea-Bissau.
Coups and coup attempts are common in Guinea-Bissau since it won independence from Portugal in 1974.
The Guinea-Bissau army was the main source of weapons and ammunition for the MFDC.
Guinea-Bissau, on the swampy west African coast, cannot rival nearby countries in cocoa production or mining.
West African leaders have agreed to send troops to Mali and Guinea-Bissau following coups in both countries.
Less successful have been Senegal's intervention in Guinea-Bissau in June and South Africa's recent venture into Lesotho.
Last year the UN Security Council warned that renewed political instability was allowing drug-trafficking to flourish in Guinea-Bissau.
Prosecutors said the evidence includes a series of audio recordings and videotaped meetings over several months in Guinea-Bissau.
Guinea-Bissau's military junta handed power back to a civilian government six weeks after the army staged a coup.
The U.S. Embassy in Senegal said the situation in Guinea-Bissau is unclear, but it is closely monitoring events.
Coups can be a lucrative business, and although its main export is cashew nuts, Guinea-Bissau offers tempting opportunities.
The state-run papers did not say just what it was that lured Guinea-Bissau into the arms of another.
Launched on 25 November 2008, the pilot focused on five countries: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and The Gambia.
Fernando Vaz, the spokesman for the government of Guinea-Bissau, said he hoped America would provide Na Tchuto a fair legal defense.
The U.S. believes the former navy chief also was involved in organizing an April 2010 attempt to overthrow the Guinea-Bissau government.
"We are disheartened by the negative turn of events so soon after the first round of Guinea-Bissau's presidential election, " it said.
Afterward, according to Naualna, the actual leaders of Guinea-Bissau's armed forces took control of the situation in an attempt to ensure stability.
Most of Guinea-Bissau's people are said to support the rebels, so the Senegalese are seen as occupiers propping up an unliked regime.
In 1994 he was chosen as president in Guinea-Bissau's first free elections.
Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto and four other Guinea-Bissau nationals were apprehended aboard a yacht in international waters in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
Mane's death allowed the then-President of Guinea-Bissau, Koumba Yala, to align himself more closely with the Senegalese government and limit the military supplies.
Guinea-Bissau's history has been marked by military coups and attempted coups since the nation of 1.6 million gained independence from Portugal in 1974.
The country's vital cashew nut crop provides a modest living for most of Guinea-Bissau's farmers and is the main source of foreign exchange.
The five were then taken to nearby Cape Verde, a former Portuguese colony about 1, 000km (620 miles) west of Guinea-Bissau, the TV station reported.
BBC: Guinea-Bissau ex-navy chief held in US on drugs charges
Guinea-Bissau, one of the world's poorest country, was just weeks away from holding a presidential run-off vote when a coup took place last month.
Angola said it has a number of troops in Guinea-Bissau to help reform the country's armed forces, but said it would unilaterally withdraw them.
But Ecowas warned the coup leaders in Guinea-Bissau that if they failed to agree to the deployment within 72 hours, they face targeted sanctions.