The document release comes as state lawmakers in Connecticut weigh a host of new gun-control laws.
Taking guns away from honest citizens leaves them defenceless against criminals, who will ignore any gun-control laws, argue opponents of such measures.
This time around, the NRA's silence comes amid widespread criticism of the group on social media and calls by some politicians for tougher gun-control laws.
Beginning in the early nineteen-seventies, lawyers for the National Rifle Association, concerned about gun-control laws passed in the wake of the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr.
But speaking honestly about the combustible mix of race and guns may be more important to stopping the slaughter in minority communities than any new gun-control laws.
If that apparent conversion lasts (and it is notable that Congress's brief enthusiasm for gun-control laws evaporated overnight), it is likely to alarm Virginia's politically powerful gun lobby.
"I don't want to have a conversation about jobs when we are talking about the safety of our families, " said Nancy Lefkowitz of March for Change, which supports stronger gun-control laws.
The more people get used to carrying guns as routine, the more they will react to gun-control laws as though someone were trying to steal their cell phones or their watches.
More lawsuits challenging gun-control laws are now likely.
ECONOMIST: The Nine strike down a gun ban and delight the firearms lobby
An aide said Mr. Cuomo has been focused above all in recent months on the passage of a new state budget and tougher gun-control laws in the wake of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn.
Connecticut will join states including California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts in having the country's strongest gun-control laws, said Brian Malte, director of mobilization for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in Washington.
WSJ: Connecticut Lawmakers Pass Wide-Ranging Gun-Control Bill
Chicago and Bridgeport, Connecticut, like the New York plaintiffs, are claiming that gun makers negligently oversupplied dealers in areas with lax gun-control laws, knowing that their products would end up in the hands of criminals.
The NRA, one of the most powerful lobbies in U.S. politics, has made no secret of its anger at Democrats' efforts to enact even modest gun-control laws and said Thursday the TV ads would begin running this weekend and continue through the Democratic convention in Los Angeles next week.
Forty-three percent said the shootings in Connecticut make them more likely to support gun control laws, a 15-point increase from January 2011 following the Arizona gun rampage that wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Forty-three percent said the elementary school shootings in Connecticut make them more likely to support gun control laws, a 15-point increase from January 2011 following the Arizona gun rampage that wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
CNN: Gun owners fear new legislation could tread on their rights
He's a gun-control advocate, and he's an expert on gun laws.
The shooting revived fierce debate over America's controversial gun control laws, with some pro-gun politicians saying it had prompted them to change their views on the issue.
The shooting has revived fierce debate over the US's controversial gun control laws, with some pro-gun politicians saying it has prompted them to change their views on the issue.
BBC: Newtown shooting: Dylan Hockley's parents recall attack
Numerous articles have been published that explain why additional federal gun control laws will not prevent the next mass-shooting incident.
Navigating the conservative currents of his district, Cazayoux staked out traditionally Republican positions on several hot-button issues including abortion rights, gun control and immigration laws.
A. had a political arm, it opposed some gun-control measures and supported many others, lobbying for new state laws in the nineteen-twenties and thirties, which introduced waiting periods for handgun buyers and required permits for anyone wishing to carry a concealed weapon.
Chicago already has some of the toughest gun control laws in the US. But the rising homicide rate - up 17% in the last year - combined with the national outrage over the mass shooting at a school in Connecticut has prompted calls for further action.
The shooting came hours after pro-gun activists staged rallies across the United States to demonstrate against stricter gun control laws.
If it is below the peak, then more guns cause more gun-related deaths, and deaths would decline if we had more effective gun control laws.
Some gun-control advocates said the legislation gave New York the nation's most stringent firearms laws.
The poll also found rise in people who strongly favor stricter gun control, 44%, and a double-digit gap between them and the 32% who say they strongly oppose stricter gun control laws.
From Colorado to Connecticut, a handful of very different states have advanced new gun control laws over opposition that has made such legislation a struggle nationally and a non-starter in most legislatures.
Kennedy, brother of Cuomo's ex-wife, Kerry, described a governor who is intensely involved in the emotion-charged issue, which Cuomo privately likened to taking on the National Rifle Association over gun control laws.
That incident has provoked a nationwide debate about gun laws in the US. Vice-President Joe Biden has said his task force on gun control will make its recommendations to President Barack Obama as early as Tuesday.
BBC: Californian teacher talks student out of school shooting