Reason: Heavy layoffs have reduced costs, while the the gusher of fund fees continues only slightly abated.
For simplicity's sake, let's reduce Twitter's net margins to Google's, which are a gusher-like 21%.
Spending is oxygen to politicians, and growing revenues represent a gusher of fresh air.
It has also loosed a gusher of government subsidies for "alternative energies"--most of which will be unviable.
Triton's Ceiba-1 well off Equatorial Guinea came in a gusher, flowing more than 12, 000 barrels a day.
He has introduced some anti-fraud measures and turned down, though not off, the gusher of new laws.
ECONOMIST: The beleaguered president of the European Commission
An oil gusher could also sharpen Brazil's already voracious appetite for the politics of the pork barrel.
It is a great money gusher for the companies with stations in the most hotly contested states.
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Opening the well for a few minutes revealed a true gusher: a flow rate of 37, 500 barrels per day.
This would provide a continuing gusher of new savings for capital investment, resulting in more jobs and higher wages.
That now includes Spindletop, the most iconic oil gusher in American history.
This is short-sighted since, as politicians should have learned by now, a vibrant economy creates a gusher of additional revenue.
When revenue increases, earnings shoot up like a gusher of oil (of course they went the other way last year).
But don't feel too bad for them--it's easier to deal with a wounded ego when you're making a gusher of money.
Ultimately, it could bring the end of an era that began in 1923, when the first gusher gushed in west Texas.
All were catapulted into modernity by a gusher of oil, and left scrambling to find a way to manage their sudden riches.
The undersea gusher erupted in April, releasing an estimated 4.9 million barrels (205 million gallons) of crude before being temporarily capped in July.
Sweesy played on investor greed with a gusher of tax writeoffs.
Apparently out of a belief that oil prices will collapse in the near future, making the current gusher of oil industry profits a very short-lived phenomenon.
It would be, from an economist's point of view, the Pennsylvania oil fields of man-hours, a beautiful gusher, a bonanza of reverie washing upon our shores.
So we are repeating history in more ways than the stimulus spenders let on, with a gusher of money flowing into crony corporations promising a cleantech cornucopia.
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These wars generate a gusher in contributions and lobbying fees.
Tex spoke with Forbes writer Steven Bertoni about how he saw his first big gusher at age 10 when his father Monty Moncrief sunk a well in the East Texas field.
In its time Conroe was a gusher, flowing some 60, 000 barrels per day from a reservoir that started with as much as 2 billion barrels of oil stretching across 19, 000 acres.
The moratorium was imposed by President Obama on May 27 after the April 20 explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig off the coast of Louisiana triggered an underwater oil gusher.
Add to that our coal and comparable amounts of cheap natural gas, and America is sitting on a hydrocarbon gusher that is unprecedented in scale since the dawn of the oil age.
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Shell says it's working at far less depth and lower pressures than the BP well that erupted off Louisiana, killing 11 men aboard and unleashing an undersea gusher that took three months to cap.
He won the Gusher Marathon, finishing in 3:07:35.
WSJ: Iram Leon: May the Last Marathon Be The Fastest��Gusher Marathon
In response to Tony Hayward's June 4 op-ed " What BP Is Doing about the Gulf Gusher": It is time that the publicity spin that BP is putting on this disaster is put into perspective.
Stubbornly, they arranged themselves into a most unexpected conclusion, one that seems almost blasphemy to type: Twitter has the potential to match some of the money-gushing properties of the Internet's greatest money gusher, Google Inc.