It was Christmas Eve, and the entire village had turned out to watch the hunters depart.
Skeptics say that Hashim would have changed his tune if 2009's elections had turned out differently.
One report from Harare said a disproportionate number of white people had turned out to check the list.
That would mean that independents, Democrats and veterans had turned out in big numbers and that victory was within his grasp.
The whole town had turned out, thousands upon thousands of fans wearing pig hats and yelling Sou-ee, sou-ee, pig, pig, pig.
Earlier in the week larger groups of people had turned out to show their support for the paper, but these numbers appeared to have dropped.
Police put the turnout at 150, 000, while the organizers estimated that a million people had turned out to fill the Esplanade des Invalides, a central plaza.
Tens of thousands of people had turned out to demonstrate peacefully in the city, gathering under anti-austerity banners, close to the landmark ruins of the Colosseum.
He said assurances he had sought through the cabinet secretary that the franchise process was being conducted properly had turned out to be wrong which was "not acceptable".
National affection for Bridget is such that, even if the movie had turned out to be a complete dog, we'd probably still have ended up sitting in cinemas, gunning for her.
Whatever envy his fast climb had stirred in the hearts of others, to hear Grisha Arsenyev talk one might guess that immigrating had turned out to be the great anticlimax of his life.
Actual passenger numbers between 2007 to 2011 had been about one-third of the level expected initially, and the financing scheme for this project had turned out to be "not sustainable", the report said.
Frey show that Republican Mitt Romney would have barely won the presidency if whites and other race groups had turned out at the same rates as they did in 2004, when black turnout was below its current historic levels.
Along the road, night and day, a stream of ambulances came with their freight: the gravely hurt, the paralyzed, the amputees, the head-trauma cases, and the other wreckage from what had turned out to be a mammoth land battle.
Brave talk, which lasted right until the moment that election results arrived from the electoral district of Central France, revealing that UMP voters had turned out in sufficient numbers to elect three MEPs from that party, incuding Mr Sarkozy's close ally and employment minister, Brice Hortefeux.
And save for a couple of exceptions, the producers had all turned out admirable wines at some very good prices.
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However, had Frederick turned out to be merely an energetic and competent king of Prussia, history would long since have forgotten him.
Back in the 1980s, I had what turned out to be my best job ever: editor of a local weekly newspaper in Winchester, Massachusetts.
It turned out he had never turned the feature on, and you have to have the device in hand to do that.
That caused the folks who had been using high, probably inflated, vacation type homes, think timesharing, as loss generators for reductions of taxes owed were suddenly out of luck and had to move what turned out to be billions and billions invested in these tax shelters out of those and into other productive investments.
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No sign that the globe had been turned inside out besides the influx of phone calls to bewildered bank employees.
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"Had it not turned out the way that it did, I would possibly be working a triple homicide, not having a clue as to who it is we're looking for, " he told CNN.
It looked like the trend in housing prices had turned positive after bottoming out in 2009.
The report also failed to explain why NHS managers had given ministers what turned out to be incorrect information.
The Department regrets that, while acting in good faith, they announced that he had resigned on what turned out to be an incorrect understanding of earlier discussions that day.
Suchen had often wondered how she and the five girls would have turned out if the others had not drowned.
The twins had thought the vegetable was likely to be bigger than it actually turned out to be and had hoped to break the world record.
The story goes that when President Richard Nixon had asked to see the legendary Alexandria Library on a visit to Egypt and was informed that it had been destroyed sometime in the distant archaeological past, it also turned out that his hosts had no idea where it had been.
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