Al-Sadr's chief Shiite political rival, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, said that only Iraqis should control Iraq.
Mr Hakim said he did not believe that hand transplants would become very common.
"Both countries share a long border, " said Peter Hakim, president of the Inter-American Dialogue.
Hakim met with Calderon at a private dinner hosted by the Mexican president Sunday night.
Hakim Bey and Pirate Utopias notwithstanding, none of them had much the stomach for dark.
Also left behind are the twisted hulls of two police pickups and Hakim Jan's SUV.
And although al-Hakim never held a government position, he commanded respect from those who did.
Mr Zadran moved to neighbouring Khost, where he has been challenging its governor, Hakim Taniwal.
Libyan Islamist commander Abdel Hakim Belhadj has resigned his military post in a bid to enter politics.
Akram al-Hakim is Iraq's minister of state for national dialogue, arguably a critical position at the moment.
Hakim went on to say that, nonetheless, Sunnis now in opposition are welcome to support the government.
Jabr, the head of al-Hakim hospital, was kidnapped Saturday while driving in eastern Baghdad, said a police official.
Absent from Monday's major announcement were two of the most influential Shiite leaders, al-Sadr and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim.
But Hakim and other fashion designers also must learn to balance responding to digital customer feedback while maintaining a consistent brand identity.
When Levene eventually gave Mr Hakim-Rad a cheque for the money, it bounced.
Yousef escaped at the time, but agents caught his right-hand man, Abdul Hakim Murad, who told them a chilling tale.
CNN: U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings
Al-Hakim ended his exile in Iran in 2003 when he returned to Iraq after Hussein and his regime were toppled.
Two Tripoli militias, led by Abdullah Naqir and Abdel Hakim Belhaj, dissolved in 2012 and re-emerged as new political parties.
The Bobcats have played much better as a team since acquiring McRoberts in a trade with the Magic for Hakim Warrick.
Two former Libyan dissidents, Sami al-Saadi and Abdul Hakim Belhadj, allege that the UK was involved in their kidnap and rendition.
Ayatollah Hakim's brother, Abdel Aziz, has taken over as leader of Sciri.
Silly Dr. Hakim and silly us, pursuing economic independence and meaningful work.
New York-based handbag designer Dareen Hakim, who sells to Henri Bendel and specialty retailer Intermix, has developed a similarly close relationship with her customers.
Al-Hakim played a central role in shaping Iraq's future following his return.
Al-Hakim died Wednesday in Tehran after a lengthy battle with lung cancer.
Yousef escaped at the time, but agents caught his right-hand man, Abdul Hakim Murad, who told them about plots to hijack U.S. jets.
Abdul Aziz al Hakim, a religious leader with the IGC who is close to Sistani, took part in Monday's meetings at U.N. headquarters.
The funeral procession started at the Iraqi Embassy in Tehran, said Haitham al-Husseini, a senior official with al-Hakim's office and one of his advisers.
It is led by Abdel Hakim Belhaj, once head of the now defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, widely regarded as being close to al-Qaeda.
"From the beginning, we were and we still insist on the importance of not having any resolution that can challenge our national sovereignty, " al-Hakim said.