Metrix:CreateSpace in Seattle is a good place to hang out with other makers, hackers.
"I used to hang out with my friends and my parents all the time, " he says.
"I just like to drink beer and hang out with people, " says the 42-year-old.
WSJ: A Lot of Church Folk Are Asking: 'What Would Jesus Brew?'
"I just want to hang out with my girlfriend and my mom, " he pleaded.
This may involve having to hang out with a step family, which can be difficult.
BBC: CBBC Newsround | COPING WITH CHRISTMAS | What if I have a split family?
But then again, if you want pretty, you should go hang out with the kids at Yelp.
We read about Scott Maxwell, one of the rover's 12 drivers, and wanted to hang out with him.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Curiosity Killed the Fanboy
And even fewer would relish the opportunity of coming home from school to hang out with their dads!
FORBES: I Will Gladly Pay More Taxes to Expand High School Sports
He cut class most days, staying home to write lyrics or hang out with friends and make demos.
WSJ: GZA on 'Dark Matter' Album - Interview: Rapper Finds Muse in the Stars
"We tend to hang out with people of the same ethnicity, " she says.
They still hang out with their friends from Chicago as much as possible.
Want to crash the Facebook holiday party tonight and hang out with Zuck?
FORBES: Facebook CEO says he made his settings less private on purpose
On the other side of the apartment, I will continue to hang out with you under the name of Reed.
"All I did was hang out with my friends and take them out to dinner all the time, " he said.
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These are the same people who have huge apartments overlooking skylines and plenty of time to hang out with friends.
But the ASA disagreed and labelled the commercial "irresponsible" for showing a scrapyard as an "adventurous place to hang out with friends".
Instead of developing a narrow specialization, they study, say, calligraphy (as Mr. Jobs famously did) or hang out with friends in different fields.
"When I get home, I drive around the city, go to some of my old spots, just hang out with people, " he said.
Dean acknowledged that Bush might be a nice guy to hang out with but asked whether the library would consist primarily of coloring books.
Cariocas come to pose, hang out with friends and get active, whether it is a strenuous game of beach volleyball or a gentle stroll along the boardwalk.
The ones that are scattered across the country are great places to hang out with the kids for an hour or two or by myself.
It was more an excuse for Soho House hotties of both sexes to hang out with a quasi-celebrity while sipping free product-placement Bombay Sapphire gin.
There, Obama got out of a squadron of armored vehicles to hang out with some locals and kicked a soccer ball around with young children.
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Are you sure you want to hang out with these people?
FORBES: Thoughts On Change, Jason Collins and Our Anxious Era
Venture capitalists such as Sequoia Capital, Institutional Venture Partners and Sutter Hill Ventures have funded fellowships and hang out with professors to see what's going on.
There was no way for me to go into the operating room and hang out with him, and he was spending all of his time there.
On the plane to America from India in 1990, he made a to-do list: learn to skateboard and bungee-jump, go on road trips, hang out with girls.