Actually, one of them was Hannah Montana, who on main choices is now ahead of Barbie.
But classic values aren't dead: Barbie's search ranking soared far above Hannah Montana's.
Miley Cyrus, star of Disney's Hannah Montana, said in one interview in February that she was "obsessed" with her Sidekick.
The fictional TV pop star Hannah Montana, played by Miley Cyrus, beat out the Rolling Stones in popularity by a generous margin.
While there's no doubt she's powerful and popular, it seems the Hannah Montana star's appeal isn't broad enough for the celebrity weekly set.
Swift tried her hand at acting in early 2009 with a small part in Hannah Montana: The Movie and a guest appearance on CSI.
There have been several film versions of successful Disney Channel shows like Hannah Montana and High School Musical, but none have done great at the box office.
"The worst was last weekend, when one friend sent out three updates in four hours about waiting with her little girl for the Hannah Montana concert to start, " wrote another.
Hannah Montana, which stars the daughter of country crooner Billy Ray Cyrus as a high school pop star who hides her real identity, was the second-most-watched show on cable the week of June 24.
The girl who played third base in her softball team and loved reruns of Hannah Montana learned she had a rare breast cancer that appears in less than 1 percent of total cases called secretory carcinoma.
Celebrity offspring from Zoey 101's Jamie Lynn Spears (sister of struggling starlet Britney) to Hannah Montana's Miley Cyrus (daughter of country singer Billy Ray) break through the media clutter and get people to pay attention to a movie or television show.
One of the many reasons our killer Captain EO home theater setup hasn't become a reality yet is because even with more than a few kinds of 3D HDTV equipment on shelves, there's no standard that guarantees that next Hannah Montana Blu-ray disc will be able to take advantage of it.