Yet there are growing worries about the spread of hard-line Islamism in the heavily Muslim banlieues.
Ms. Park seeks to reverse some of the hard-line tactics pursued by her predecessor, Lee Myung-bak.
Arizona's other Republican Senator, Jon Kyl, takes a hard-line view in support of the president.
The hard-line elements of the GOP have gradually gained a stranglehold on the party.
Although relatively liberal in his views, he had been encouraged to run by several hard-line MPs.
However, Medvedev has already indicated Moscow will not be changing its hard-line rhetoric toward Obama's administration.
During election campaigning, the Salafists' hard-line interpretation of Islam drew a lot of media attention.
Others point to the alienation caused by the hard-line policing methods espoused by Mr Sarkozy.
ECONOMIST: A wounded nation resorts to extreme measures | The
But beneath the hard-line rhetoric, the signs are there that something will be worked out.
Dr. CIRINCIONE: Certain hard-line Israelis who are aimed at preventing a U.S.-Syrian or an Israeli-Syrian dialogue.
Two particular settlements, which is where the real hard-line protesters are being holed up in two synagogues.
The reports suggested that the headman was a member of the Bajrang Dal, a hard-line Hindu group.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: Second Affront
We saw in 2006 some of the most hard-line Republicans - you guys may remember former Congressman J.
Even Ms. Merkel had some doubts about her finance ministry's hard-line insistence that Greece's bondholders take a loss.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat
But recent events confirm that despite its hard-line public talk, the ECB can, when necessary, show considerable flexibility.
As their fortunes grew, Charles and David Koch became the primary underwriters of hard-line libertarian politics in America.
Wasps rugby director Ian McGeechan and coach Shaun Edwards were among those to hit out at Ashton over his hard-line stance.
Retailers have also leveraged their hard-line store presence to offer more convenient customer service options Dell cannot match.
Adelson and Olmert had been friendly since the nineteen-nineties, when Olmert was a member of the hard-line Likud Party.
Tancredo's hard-line stance on immigration has become a core theme of his campaign.
Democrats in Florida point out he struck a more hard-line note on the immigration front while a lawmaker there.
In Israel, a lawmaker close to hard-line Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stopped short of confirming involvement in the strike.
Hard-line anti-smokers, assuming that anything agreed to by the industry they hate must be devilish, soon discovered diabolical details.
There is also mistrust of Qatar on the opposite end of the rebel spectrum, among the more hard-line Islamic fighters.
Canada's National Post says the Republicans faltered on their hard-line on immigrant policy in its commentary on their election losses.
But until a few weeks ago, Mr. Morsi was known as a hard-line and often-divisive figure within the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mr Marriott believes that this hard-line approach to politics and his religion made Strickland adopt the turkey as his own.
BBC: William Strickland: The man who gave us the turkey dinner
Mervyn King, the Bank of England's governor, who has taken flak previously for being too hard-line, seems to have learned something.
The No Labels movement has identified the deficit as a major issue where Americans simply want solutions over hard-line positions.
The ordeal proved embarrassing for Usman Sharif, a candidate for the hard-line religious Jamaat-e-Islami party, in the southern city of Karachi.