The hard-money totals more than make up for recent bans on "soft money" contributions.
He replaced Masaru Hayami, who had in most important respects followed the lead of his two predecessors, Yasuo Matsushita and Yasushi Mieno, both hard-money men.
Unlike the hard-money ECB, most other leading central banks are happy to see their currencies depreciate which will make it all the more difficult for the euro area to run a current account surplus.
To conserve the Trust's hard-raised money, Heller tries to get free gifts of land.
Unfortunately, there has been a spike in fraudsters that want to get your hard-earned money.
In these trying times, how do you make people part with their hard-earned money?
FORBES: To Succeed In Retail You Have To Become Like Jennifer Lopez or Justin Timberlake
Every day, consumers make tough choices about saving, investing, and spending their hard-earned money.
They don't want the government to take too much of their hard-earned money for things they don't want.
Too many working people in this country don't have a good option to save their hard-earned money for retirement.
Only then can we ask American taxpayers who have already put up so much of their hard-earned money to once more invest in a revitalized auto industry.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Stabilizing the Auto Industry
What typically occurs in one of these seminars is that the presenter whips up fear about gold-diggers filing frivolous lawsuits attempting to get at your hard-earned money.
When it comes to handing your hard-earned money to someone else to manage, you need to do a whole lot more research than you would on a car.
Mitt, I appreciate that it's tough in the time of super PACs to say what you really think when there is so much hard-right money for the taking.
Many of them have hired some of the smartest minds on Madison Ave to employ every psychological trick they know to convince you to give them your hard-earned money.
"At a time when consumers are looking for ways to save their hard-earned money, we're rewarding Boost customers by helping them shrink their monthly payments, " said Bob Stohrer, vice president-Marketing, Boost Mobile.
ENGADGET: Boost Mobile announces 'Shrinkage' plans, cost goes down over time
The sheer beauty of his sound, without acting and without musicianship, could bring the audience to its feet, and he would earn the hard-negotiated money that made him the highest-paid singer in opera.
This past week we found out that 100, 000 commodities traders did not know what had become of their hard-earned money left in segregated customers accounts at MF Global, a commodities dealing house now bankrupt.
In recent years this program, which provides direct loans, loan guarantees, and lines of credit to regionally or nationally significant transportation projects, has helped mayors leverage four times the money invested in it by the federal government, helping construction workers get on the job quicker, and repaying taxpayers their hard-earned money faster.
Nice try to win your readership back with Elizabeth's article....but this is one career woman (one of many, I'm sure) who will never spend ONE PENNY of her hard-earned career money on ONE PAGE of your publication again.
His latest role as the U.N. special envoy for Haiti has taken him twice to the earthquake-ravaged island nation and he is leading efforts to raise money for the hard-hit area.
The sound-money advocates are often portrayed as hard-hearted Scrooges, preventing assistance to the destitute.
FORBES: Ask Greek Citizens About Soft (Drachma) Money, And If They Like It
In the meantime, the Republican and Democratic parties are unleashing the last of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of so-called "soft money" -- hard cash -- in the final barrage of campaign ads and get-out-the-vote efforts.
Resolving the matter will require more money from hard-pressed taxpayers, who must also be considered.
The Bundesbank has been pushing hard for a German-style money-supply target, supplemented, perhaps, by some sort of long-term inflation yardstick.
ECONOMIST: Remember monetarism? It may be coming back into fashion
However, it is still early days, and the ease with which Mr Sachs has raised money from hard-nosed American businessmen is significant.
Others made money selling hard-currency life insurance just after the crash, when dollars were scarce and Russians were desperately seeking ways of preserving their roubles from inflation.
If you agree, put 10% of your money in a hard-assets stock fund (see table below) or in some commodity positions you place yourself at a broker.
Kerimov is building a 45, 000-seat stadium to replace Anzhi's 15, 200-seat roofless bowl, but it is hard to see the new facility as an instant money-spinner: Makhachkala's population is less than 600, 000, and Dagestan is one of the poorest regions of Russia.
The Shays-Meehan bill, like the McCain-Feingold legislation, would ban soft money -- unregulated, unlimited funds to political parties -- and would raise the limit on hard money contributions to individual candidates.