He knew he could not pretend to have a hard luck story, so he presented himself as the lucky beneficiary of a hard work story.
Another hard luck case is Research in Motion -- now BlackBerry.
He said the peers had made the change legitimately and it was "hard luck" for the Conservatives who had missed the opportunity to reform the Lords.
The hard luck Colts are supremely talented, but they seem to always have their hearts broken in the playoffs, and always seemingly broken by the Patriots.
For tech giants that have found hard luck and falling shares, it may be time to question whether lower prospective takeover prices justify a recent flurry of deal rumors.
Raisman made no errors Tuesday, though for a few minutes she thought she would be another hard-luck loser.
Hard-luck Kevin Slowey remained winless since 2010 despite allowing only one run in eight innings to lower his ERA to 2.15.
Such hard-luck stories haven't slowed the hunt for the next great investment.
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Lee was a hard-luck pitcher last year, going 6-9 despite a 3.16 ERA. He nearly recorded his first complete game since Sept. 15, 2011.
And the seller, Jerry Dodge, was a hard-luck ne'er-do-well with a criminal record and what his friends and family describe as limited intellect and diminishing prospects.
He made an artistic comeback with 1982's "The Verdict, " the story of an ambulance-chasing hard-luck lawyer in which Newman appeared broken, raspy and every inch of his 57 years.
The ace is Kevin Correia, who is 11-8 with a 4.38 ERA. Charlie Morton (8-5, 3.69) and hard-luck Paul Maholm (6-10, 3.26), the staff veteran, round out a formidable rotation.
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This newcomer gives the screen version of Janet Fitch's novel an emotional grounding it doesn't always deserve as she moves through the several stages of a hard-luck role that plays like "Oliver Twist" in Los Angeles (in a production that starts to get silly when it moves to Malibu).
Raitt said when she's looking for the perfect tunes to record, she relies on a lot of research, hard work and luck.
Some have made it through hard work, luck and business acumen.
James Lohr, who has the words "Hard" and "Luck" tattooed where his eyebrows would be, was taken into custody early Friday in Colorado Springs.
Ever since that time, the Bush team has insisted that what happened was more good luck than hard work, that the party came to him.
Whereas education levels were the best prediction of whether someone born in a favela would make it out, hard work and good luck were also needed.
ECONOMIST: To get out you need education, hard work and luck
We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, hard times or bad luck, a crippling illness or a layoff may strike any one of us.
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Moreover, even when the free market works as it should, both our countries recognize that no matter how responsibly we live in our lives, hard times or bad luck, a crippling illness or a layoff may strike any one of us.
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Entrepreneurs make their own luck through continuous hard work, and unceasing dissatisfaction with the status quo.
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Wealthy individuals and family offices have, generally through hard work and sometimes just plain luck, been blessed with financial success.
And yet she has, by hard work and guile and historic luck, multiplied the value of the business she inherited several hundred times over.
We do this because we recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any moment, might face hard times, might face bad luck, might face a crippling illness or layoff.
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We do this because we recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any moment, might face hard times, might face bad luck, might face a crippling illness or a layoff.
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And, with luck and a bit of hard work from Steve and Jonathan, the pictures should be better.
That is the tragedy at the heart of our health care system -- The devastation when one stroke of bad luck undoes a lifetime of hard work.
Ideas only become reality with luck, and a lot of hard work.
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