She previously led the Shipman Inquiry, which examined the activities of serial killer GP Dr Harold Shipman.
It is a case that will live in the public's memory long after the death of Harold Shipman.
Dame Janet previously led the Shipman Inquiry, which examined the activities of serial killer GP Dr Harold Shipman.
The inquiry chairman is Sir Thayne Forbes, who was the High Court judge in the Harold Shipman murder trial.
These include the cases of the surgeon Rodney Ledward, the seriel killer Harold Shipman and the Bristol babies scandal.
The GMC has been under the spotlight over a number of scandals, including serial killer Harold Shipman and disgraced gynaecologist Rodney Ledward.
The doctor who took over serial killer Harold Shipman's former practice in Greather Manchester has backed plans to allow easier access to patient records.
This touched the heart of the matter, for if he was guilty as charged, Harold Shipman undoubtedly had a chronic and acute impulse control problem.
The group of core participants already includes actress Sienna Miller, PR guru Max Clifford, serving MPs, and Christopher Shipman, son of mass murderer Harold Shipman.
Harold Shipman was no doubt thinking about his own life in custody when he decided to end it all on the eve of his 58th birthday.
The "Lady in the Lake" killer found dead in his cell had previously seen a report into the prison suicide of Harold Shipman, an inquest has heard.
Giving evidence, his third wife, Jennie, said her husband had asked her to send the official report into the suicide of mass murderer Harold Shipman but she did not know why he wanted it.
Is there something you can do do you think by means of legislation to make another Harold Shipman virtually impossible, is there anything you can really do in legislation do you think, or something else?
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These include Harold Shipman's conviction for murder, the Bristol heart scandal and, most recently, the case of disgraced gynaecologist Rodney Ledward who was found guilty of botching operations on scores of women over many years.
Di Stefano - who has said his clients included serial killer Dr Harold Shipman and Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic - did not react as the 25 guilty verdicts were delivered at London's Southwark Crown Court.
The authors make the sobering point that mortality rates for doctors vary so much that, even if he had been constantly monitored, Harold Shipman (a British doctor who murdered at least 200 patients) would have racked up a body-count of several dozen before coming to official attention.