• Raising the petrol tax is political poison, so Congress has hit upon a drearily predictable solution: to take the money from somewhere else.

    ECONOMIST: Infrastructure spending: A patch on the road | The

  • Working through his development company, Oliaros (the ancient Greek name for Antiparos), the 40-year-old entrepreneur has hit upon an innovative approach for reviving Greek real estate.

    WSJ: Community by Design | Architecture

  • "All we're doing is adapting what nature has hit upon a very good way of storing information, " said Nick Goldman, a computational biologist at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, England, and lead author of the Nature paper.

    WSJ: Scientists Store King Speech, Shakespeare Sonnets in DNA

  • And now people ask: What magic have we hit upon that has enabled us to become a national model for educating students of all races in a wide range of disciplines?

    CNN: Our 'outrageous dream': Bringing diversity to science

  • And ultimately you've hit upon the core of this plan that has been rolled out today, which is an attempt to bridge the gap between the two thirds of the Democrats who would like to cut off funding and the third who ran in the fall elections essentially against that stance, and the inability of the Democratic leadership to bridge that gap.

    NPR: GOP Eyes the Democrats' New Plan on Iraq

  • By concentrating on innovating through game play, and ignoring its competitors' most high-tech features--super-powered processors, support for high-definition televisions and DVD formats--Nintendo has not only been able to keep its costs down, but it's hit upon the single thing that sets apart an entertainment device most: It's fun.

    FORBES: Nintendo's Wii Is A Revolution

  • Enernoc has been called upon 21 times in California to help prevent rolling blackouts like the ones that hit in 2001.

    FORBES: Power Brokers

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