"I did stop watching from time to time to have a chat with Dr Griffiths, " she said.
On match days I sit in the stand and have a chat with Brendan about his team talk ahead of half-time.
"After every club game we have a chat with one of the England coaches, which is fantastic, " he told BBC Sport.
Have a chat with the owner and curator, Susan Maasch, who often gives the impression she has had a few espressos before bouncing in to work.
Now suppose you want to do more than just have a video chat with 10, 000 of your closest friends.
She had seen some of it before but it was clearly time to have a longer chat with all of my kids.
Nor will astronauts really be able to talk to anyone, either -- at least not on Earth -- mainly because of a 44-minute communication delay between the Blue and Red planets, "which means you can't have a nice chat with your kids, " said Kanas.
CNN: Mars on the brain? Red Planet pioneers to face cosmic mind trip
You will have a chance to chat with the producer and sometimes the host before your interview and afterwards.
"I have had a long chat with Chris Hughton and our medical team and the only one of the injured players we are likely to have back on Sunday is Jose Enrique, " added Kinnear.
"We have had a really encouraging chat with David, " he said.
When one saw him across a crowded room, one couldn't wait to get together with him and have a chat and a catch-up.
Press reports also say one gains access to a secure chat with a crisis counselor which I assume would have happened had the report been made to the crisis center.
FORBES: Suicide Prevention Comes to Facebook: A Life-Saving Option With A Dark Side
Kent would rather look at pictures of Kate, or show off parts of himself in video chat rooms, than have a relationship, with its endless obligations and its curtailment of his vegetative freedom.
When a purported female spy appears in a chat room, sending the main character into a paranoid frenzy, Muhly might have toyed with a jazzy, cinematic style, but he falls into the same ruminative tempo as before.
Now commercial flights between Ethiopia and Sudan have resumed, and President Omar el Bashir of Sudan has had a chat with the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, in Djibouti in May.
He is alleged to have identified himself on an internet chat forum as a former Tribune Company employee and then provided members of Anonymous with the login and password to the Tribune Company server.