Yes, there are half a dozen states where Democrats have a good-to-plausible shot at taking away a Republican seat this year: Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee and Missouri.
NPR: What Would It Take To Flip the House?
Despite a generally good performance, Welsh Tories will have to find a new leader after Nick Bourne lost his regional seat.
BBC: Vote 2011: Labour overall majority in Wales in doubt
Have a seat. (Applause.) Good morning.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Payroll Tax Cut Extension
And I have to tell you, after four years of having a pretty good front row seat on the federal government, there's no doubt that there are things that we can do smarter.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event
Everybody have a seat. (Applause.) Well, it is good to see all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Student Loan Interest Rates
Have a seat. (Applause.) Well, it is good to have all of you in here.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation
The Democrats also have a good chance in Colorado, where they already control both state houses, the governor's mansion and one Senate seat, and in Nebraska, if they can get Bob Kerrey, a former governor and senator, to forsake academia for a return to politics.
ECONOMIST: The Democrats' hopes are not confined to the White House