Because risk is dispersed to those who have an appetite for it, the system should be more robust.
Hedge funds, as Mr Lamy points out, have an appetite for buying debt but only at distressed prices.
"For a time, capital markets seemed to have an appetite for almost any kind of risk, so long as it received sufficiently large yield in exchange, " they write.
But do Scottish individual investors have an appetite for that?
The chances of a Scottish team making the final are remote but, with the 17, 350 tickets sold already for the May final, home fans clearly have an appetite for Europe's premier rugby event.
But it got to be where I'm so busy all the time, and I'm a grad student now - I have to keep myself on a regimen of food because I don't have an appetite for food anymore.
Investors have developed an appetite for European junk, sending a flood of money to some of the riskiest companies in the region.
Neither of the two big American casino operators in Macau, Wynn and Sheldon Adelson, have shown an appetite for projects in the Philippines.
JDB's bigger borrowers seem to have developed an appetite for this.
With a booming economy, and a land mass of 9.6 million square kilometers, approximately the same as the United States, China seems to have an insatiable appetite for these vehicles.
The central bank is scheduled for a two-day policy meeting September 20-21, and a few FOMC members have expressed an appetite for QE3, though there is plenty of opposition within the committee and politically.
In Saudi Arabia and Qatar, for example, they have more of an appetite for lower-risk, capital-protected investments.
India and China have demonstrated an enormous appetite for coal, riding on a high level of industrialization and urbanization.
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The big question, though, is whether people have an appetite to pay money for the opportunity to wager fake money.
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But given their current resources and the scale of the problem, customs officials understandably appear to have little appetite for an unrewarding chase.
But parents have shown little appetite for such an approach, with proposals for vouchers being heavily defeated in both California and Michigan in November.
But even as the adventures of a bespectacled boy wizard have proven that the world still has an appetite for the written word, one wonders if Hodgman still sees a place for the publishing world he abandoned a decade or so ago to great success.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
The aim is to give tourists a taste for the area so they have an appetite to come back again.
BBC: North Wales 'foodie heaven' website aims to boost tourism
If you have the patience and the appetite for risk, Italian stocks today look like an intriguing investment.
Morgan have a complex measure of such indicators as foreign-exchange trades and swaps that was showing an increasing worldwide appetite for risk in January.
Whenever this burgeoning religious observance began, it's now visible across the Muslim world in the increasing number of women in the street wearing head scarves, the number of Islamist parties that have made electoral gains in recent years (in Morocco and Egypt for instance), and now, in an increasing appetite for Sharia finance.