Philip may be "first husband" and have authority over domestic matters within the royal family but, constitutionally, he has no significance.
"You don't have authority over a judge, " they yelled at police.
The law paved the way to an increase in council members and deputy governors, along with a new president who would have authority over the bank's governor.
Simply, because under the Constitution, state governments have authority over water resources -- and they are loath to give it up to the feds because they earn billions from water charges.
Some regional managers have more authority over hiring and business strategy than the executives they report to.
The justices ruled that states don't have regulatory authority over the subsidiaries of national banks like Wachovia, prompting concern by Frank.
"We do sympathize with the plight of those affected but, unfortunately, the federal government doesn't have regulatory authority over noise pollution, " the spokesman said.
So Egypt's incoming head of state may be able to appoint a cabinet, but will have no authority over budgets, internal security, foreign affairs or the army.
And while Texas is the lone state where federal regulators have no authority over wholesale energy markets, the report Monday implicating TXU is evidence that competition is not working as it was envisioned.
The official said the main sticking point is whether the Food and Drug Administration will have regulatory authority over tobacco, which is supported by the White House, former FDA Administrator David Kessler and former Surgeon General C.
On Tuesday Mr Geithner told Congress that the AIG mess underlines the need for an expanded resolution authority so that regulators could have the same authority over any systemically important financial institution that is not technically a bank, as was the case with Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and AIG.
Do I Need to File an FBAR if I Have Only Signature Authority Over a Foreign Financial Account?
FORBES: IRS Issues Final FBAR Regulations and Revised FBAR Form
FinCEN has confirmed that duplicate FBARs will be filed where employees have only signature authority over foreign financial accounts owned by employers.
FORBES: IRS Issues Final FBAR Regulations and Revised FBAR Form
After thousands of years of political experimentation, it seems pretty clear that some institution is always going to have a monopoly of force, and some human being or group of human beings is going to have the ultimate authority over how that force is used.
You have an interest or authority over an account outside your country of residence.
Accountability is not straightforward either: the commissioners will be accountable to the electorate, but just how much authority they have over chief constables is yet to be clarified.
U.S. parents have a great deal of legal authority over their children, but there is nothing in the First Amendment that says you have to be an adult to have free speech rights.
In the decades since, faculties have gained "extraordinary authority" over universities, Mr. Kagan says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
In other words, you have a Tressel-ish authority over your program.
FORBES: Buckeye Nation Will Be Disappointed With Their Next Football Coach
The bank watchdogs, specifically the Federal Reserve and the OCC, have near-exclusive oversight authority over national banks like BofA, JPMorgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and their holding companies.
Queen bees may be with us but that does not mean that women over whom they have authority do not have options.
FORBES: Taking the Sting out of 'Queen Bees' Who May Be Out to Get You
The leaders, Generals George Casey and John Abizaid, have been what you might call devotees of the light footprint school, which was we should have relatively few troops, hand authority over the Iraqis as quickly as possible.
Academies are similar to free schools in that they are also funded directly from central government (as all state schools will be under planned changes), sit outside local authority control and have more control over the pay and conditions of staff than other schools.
U.S. officials have twice postponed plans to hand over authority for Bagram prison.
In September, Mr House told MSPs he had been in talks with Mr Emery, chairman of the Scottish Police Authority, over who should have day-to-day control over human resources and finance.
Senior Tories, including the former defence secretary Liam Fox, have accused the Lib Dems of sidetracking the government over Lords reform and have urged Mr Cameron to assert his authority on key issues like the economy, Europe and welfare.
For instance, the Commerce Department will have, for all intents and purposes, sole authority over which technologies are subjected to tech transfer restrictions.
The prime minister and the governor of Bangkok have even rowed in public over which of them has authority to open particular sluice gates.
The Iraqi central government and the Kurdistan regional government have been at odds for years over who has final authority over Iraq's vast oil wealth.