The name " Windows 8" may havebeen tossed aroundalot as of late, but Steve Ballmer himself has only just now uttered the name for the first time in public at the company's developer forum in Japan.
"The scaffolding and temporary hoardings have meant shoppers havebeen unable to find their way around the market - alot of visitors actually thought the market was closed, " she said.
Over the last few weeks there havebeenalot of strong opinions among the media and around the blogosphere about why Kathryn Bigelow did not get an Oscar nomination for Best Director for her work on Zero Dark Thirty.
"What has made Formula 1 so strong is that there are teams with a great heritage, which havebeenaround for many years and in the case of Ferrari for 60 years, teams who have contributed alot to where we are now, " he said.
As I look around the room, I see people who havebeen with me since I was running for Senate, and alot of people in this space who supported me when nobody could pronounce my name.