Next time you tune in and wonder how we found out about a particular story, it might just have been someone down your street!
You may have hastily put someone down as your beneficiary when you first opened your IRA 10 years ago, or even left it blank if you were really in a hurry, and never gave it another thought.
"The only way I could have beaten her would have been if someone was holding her down, " says the billionaire.
It's probably someone down the line who might have read too much into it.
Now I fly down every other month, have hired someone we know well and trust implicitly to come in once a week, and my sister is stepping up after years of assuming all was well enough and that I could handle the work.
"Sometimes you bring someone who needs to settle down or they have a problem - this year we had a problem with Alberto Aquilani and his ankle - so you cannot guarantee anything, " Benitez said.
Even if you like your job, chances are you have experienced a day where something or someone at work was wearing you down.
It will come down to a stand-off, and someone will have to blink.
Mr. CLEMENT: We have something that we call tall poppy syndrome, which is sort of cutting down someone who stands out.
You have to get up out of your chair, walk down a hallway and talk to someone.
"Frances is someone who can sit down and shift the pressure points of something you might have been dealing with and sit and talk to you about life, about family, about what we've seen on telly, " she says.
BBC: Profile: Frances O'Grady, the new TUC general secretary
"I think that is very much a sign of someone's teenage years because in order to be truly joyful you have to let your barriers fall down, " he argued.
In fact, if the historical record held true and Richard's body was stripped of its armor and flung face-down over a horse after the battle, he would have been in exactly the right position to allow someone to stab him upward in the right buttock, explaining one strike to the skeleton's pelvis.