The 64-year-old Harkin is a political icon in the Hawkeye State where he grew up.
CNN: Iowa Sen. Harkin endorses Dean
He's already shamelessly playing up his support for wind-power subsidies in the Hawkeye State.
WSJ: Review & Outlook: Ethanol vs. the World
In other words, if Iowa offered a 60 percent break, you can bet production companies would find some fascinating stories in the Hawkeye State.
FORBES: Discovery Channel's Post-Oscar Gold Rush
Before his late surge in the Hawkeye State, Mr. Santorum barely registered in polls of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
WSJ: After Iowa, a Test for Santorum
But by placing most, if not all, of his campaign's marbles in the Hawkeye State, a defeat there could end his viability as a serious candidate.
NPR: Edwards Will Stay in Race Despite Wife's Cancer
Still, the poll is welcome news for Romney, who has watched his numbers drop in Iowa as Huckabee has moved into first place in recent Hawkeye State polls.
CNN: Poll: Obama catches Clinton in New Hampshire
In the past five McDonald's All-Star games, only two players from the Hawkeye State made the cut, including 2010 MVP and current Golden State Warriors forward Harrison Barnes.
WSJ: McDonald's All-American Nominations: There's Something in the Water in Sioux City-Iowa
First of all, University of Iowa President Dr. Sally Mason and the entire Hawkeye community, thanks for hosting us. (Applause.) The outstanding governor of the great state of Iowa, Chet Culver and First Lady Mari Culver. (Applause.) There he is back there.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks about Health Reform in Iowa City