Roughly the height of a labrador, but longer, with rounder head and smaller ears.
BBC: Surrey puma sightings: Timeline
He was bleeding from his head, face and ears.
BBC: Baha Mousa inquiry: soldier's diary
On Thursday, television channels showed photos of Mr Omar at a hospital with a bandage around his ears and head.
BBC: India man loses ear during strike violence
His eyes were small and set too wide apart and his ears were small and set close to his head.
NPR: Robert Jordan, Hemingway's Bipartisan Hero
One of the dogs raised its head as if on signal, listened a minute with its ears up, and then put its head back down between its paws.
NEWYORKER: Beginners
Keep your feet flat on the floor, roll your shoulders back and keep your ears directly over them so your head isn't tilted forward.
CNN: Your smartphone is a pain in the neck
At no point did Maddow shake her head vigorously back and forth, making a WUBBA WUBBA WUBBA sound, or cause steam to issue from her ears, or make her eyeballs shoot straight out of their sockets and hang suspended in space for a moment before retracting as if on elastic bands, any of which would have been a reasonable response.
FORBES: Rand Paul on The Rachel Maddow Show: A minute-by-minute analysis