• Foremost are the so-called Shibuya three (their head offices are in the Shibuya district): Chiyoda, Japan's eighth-biggest life company, and Toho and Nippon Dantai, two middling-sized firms.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese insurance

  • We have forgotten that regardless of the target market, the key decision-maker, whether he or she is a financial adviser, a hospital administrator, a CEO, a mom buying a toy for her child, or the head of a large contractor for the military, is first and foremost a human.

    FORBES: B2People: Humanly Relevant Marketing for the New Year

  • First and foremost, that Baumgartner could pull his stunt off and land on earth with his head still firmly stitched to his shoulders.

    FORBES: Did Red Bull Break The Clutter Barrier?

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