Bruno Petrucelli, director of epidemiology and disease surveillance for the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine.
Reestablishing the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order -- Reestablishment of Advisory Group
This was because of rising wages, higher staff numbers, new hospitals, health promotion programmes and far more people using the service.
We need male-friendly approaches capable of engaging with men and we need them soon - especially in primary care and health promotion.
Or you can refer to recent studies published in the American Journal of Public Health and the American Journal of Health Promotion.
However, most dental disease is preventable and many of the findings in this detailed report reinforce key existing oral health promotion messages.
The Health Promotion Agency spoke to 735 people aged 18 to 35.
Insurance companies see the opportunity to transform themselves into health promotion companies.
Health Minister Norman Lamb, who said he quit smoking last week, told BBC Breakfast the campaign was "a good investment in health promotion".
Byrd recently began combing the data from a health promotion effort she designed to improve the rate of pap smears among Latinas in the community.
The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) wants to see how the ban affects the levels of passive smoking in 500 non-smokers who share a home with smokers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Passive smoking research planned
She said the department was working with charities on targeted health promotion campaigns rather than a more "generic broad-brush approach that may be off message for these groups".
"It would raise revenue that government could put towards health promotion and other public health interventions to prevent obesity and reduce other cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, " she added.
In the mid-2000s, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation launched a campaign called "Food Safety: Edible Flowers" to push restaurants to start cooking with flowers and persuade farmers to stop using pesticides.
The projects, led by Grand Challenges Canada, will tackle issues that can lead to mental illness, such as alcohol and substance abuse, as well as delivering solutions like counselling and health promotion.
Watch out for the evidence from ethical marketing expert Chris Arnold who has been very outspoken about "healthwashing" - tokenistic programmes he believes have more to do with image than genuine health promotion.
But soon Mr Lansley needs to address the central question: how does the system he's going to re-propose to parliament achieve this combined goal of increased productivity and moderating demand through health promotion?
Aodhan O'Donnell, Senior Manager for Public Health at the Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland (HPA), said fuel poverty was a very serious issue although the term was not widely known or used.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Pilot scheme tackles fuel poverty
Then pupils from Dyce Academy submitted their petition calling for the right to sell Fairtrade sweets, after the ban on confectionary sales in schools brought by the Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) Act 2007.
"What we really want to do is encourage people to follow those guidelines for drinking, " said Dr. Robert Brewer, of the alcohol program division of the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Mr Clare said he used props to add colour to his talks, including a pair of "beer goggles", from the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Health Authority's Health Promotion department, which show how drink can affect visual impairment.
Two pioneers of the Health At Every Size approach, psychologist Deb Burgard and health promotion expert Lily O'Hara, analyze existing data to point out that using BMI as a proxy for metabolic health mislabels 51% of healthy people as unhealthy.
While binge-drinking rates have fallen among boys over the past 10 years, "binge-drinking rates among girls really haven't changed much over a 15-plus-year period, " said Dr. Robert Brewer, of the alcohol program division of the CDC's national Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
The Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health (Advisory Group), as set forth under the provisions of Executive Order 13544 of June 10, 2010, and continued by section 2 of Executive Order 13591 of November 23, 2011, is hereby reestablished and shall terminate on September 30, 2013, unless extended by the President.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order -- Reestablishment of Advisory Group
She says Ford has contacted her about design health-promotion organisms into its cars.
The call was for better signposting to sexual and reproductive health services, for girls-only spaces, for health education and promotion programs to counter myths and misinformation, for confidence and self-esteem building initiatives, and for vocational training to foster economic independence.
CNN: Girls at risk: Starting a revolution for teenage mothers
And he is no stranger to the intricacies of the health service - prior to his promotion he was the chairman of the assembly's cross-party health committee.
BBC: What's in store for new Health Minister Mark Drakeford?
Norman Watt , lately Senior Steward, Edinburgh Castle, Scottish Executive (Edinburgh) Julie Bernadette Watters , health visitor (Wishaw, Lanarkshire) - For services to Health Visiting and to the Promotion of Breastfeeding in Lanarkshire.
The amendment would give mental illness equal status with physical illness in the government's promotion of a comprehensive health service.
Though psychological trauma, which can eventually lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, became a widely recognized problem after the Vietnam War, the promotion of mental-health counseling for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans has accelerated a trickle-down effect to civilians and first responders.
WSJ: First Responders Seek Out Counseling as Attitudes Shift