The district isn't heavily Republican, showing Mr. Ryan, who has won by wide margins in recent elections, can appeal to independents and Democrats.
It doesn't seem to have been marketed very heavily, dealers don't seem to be pushing it and as a result, not that many are going out the door.
After the initial start-up costs of a freshman season, most shows don't spend heavily on new sets and locations.
Lion Air's low global profile means it hasn't been heavily exposed to the tough international competition that has squeezed industry earnings.
WSJ: Lion Air Jet Order Stirs Concern Over Glut in Southeast Asia
This isn't to say that companies don't invest heavily in customer service through insightful customer relationship management (CRM) technologies or other gadgetry.
If the parent is owner of the state account, the child can't take the money, and the funds likely won't weigh heavily against financial aid.
"Jamie struggled and I had to take advantage, although I didn't score heavily, I needed two or three chances in every frame, " said Burnett, 34.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal in November, he didn't rely heavily on the risk-management department at MF Global, reporting only to the company's board of directors.
WSJ: Corzine Rebuffed Internal Warnings on Risks at MF Global
The comments are interesting, but they probably won't weight too heavily on the jury's final decision.
ENGADGET: Apple exec talks about the iPhone's early days, the secrecy of 'Project Purple'
Panting heavily, Lady wouldn't even accept duck-flavored treats, so Ms. Davison massaged her in the water.
WSJ: See Spot Swim: Remedial Lessons Put Pooches in the Pool
Those companies are struggling now, he says, as they're still heavily leveraged and can't get funding from the capital markets.
For social-game developers, a successful Google offering would mean they wouldn't be so heavily dependent on Facebook, where the vast majority of users access the games.
It has built one of the world's fastest-growing economies, thanks mainly to the large-scale export of oil, metals and grains, which helps to ensure that it doesn't rely too heavily for trade on Russia, its former Soviet neighbor, or on China.
"People don't really want to open their pocketbooks, " he says, noting that consumers spent on heavily-discounted items, but didn't extend their shopping beyond deal items.
And Lilly isn't alone in relying heavily on a single drug that will soon face patent expiration.
"I didn't score quite as heavily against Robin as I did in my first match but still played quite well, " said the Glaswegian.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Snooker | Big names book last-eight places
There was a time when the UK was seen as producing acts that were heavily hyped but perhaps didn't have the substance or the staying power to crack the American market.
Neighbors didn't know if a woman living in the most heavily damaged house was home at the time, and a young boy in the third house didn't appear to be seriously injured, Mr. Klaybor said.
"To the extent that the extended family has disappeared and everyone is living fragmented lives, the impact of a child who needs lifelong caring or who has lifelong problems is going to be more heavily felt by parents because they don't have big support networks, " she says.
Sure, I've invested heavily but, so what, it hasn't really got us anything.
"We have spent heavily to establish our brand image and didn't want to associate ourselves with anyone who would jeopardize that, " says Mitchell Handler, director of North American sales for Italian handbagmaker Francesco Biasia.
They're not heavily guarded places, or at least they weren't then.
The union support in a heavily unionized district provides another advantage that Republicans don't often enjoy and deprives his opponent, Mark Murphy, of a traditional advantage for city Democrats.
So I rather suspect that the unanimous choice of individuals not to do evil in the name of "It's just my job, and if I don't do it, someone will" contributed heavily to its demise.
"In Texas we rely heavily on sales taxes, and if we don't protect ourselves from companies creatively structuring themselves to avoid tax collection, we're going to lose a lot of revenue, " said the author of the Texas bill, Republican Rep. John Otto.
But even at the heavily trafficked stations that still have them, we can't hear their announcements.
The public insurance "option" doesn't even begin until 2013 and the costs are heavily weighted toward the later years, but the tax hikes start in 2011.
WSJ: A Reckless Congress: Health-care bill to impose new taxes, welfare state
Some of the health boards' reports are so heavily redacted to make them incomprehensible or you just can't make out enough information to get any sense of the events that happened.