While heaving the snow back into the street, after being plowed in, just remember: tax savings.
Strongman events tend to be exaggerated versions of everyday tasks: heaving logs, carrying rocks, pushing carts.
These regions could easily tighten occupancy codes or zone against multifamily use, heaving wrenches at the program.
She stood resting for a moment, her lips pursed and her chest heaving.
Pistons heaving up and down, it ushers me gracefully past swans and pedalos, around the zigzag margins of the lake.
The semi-finals are over and all week the city has been heaving - with people, with energy, excitement and anticipation.
He can still sing and play, a little, though he may not make it through a set without heaving in an alley.
He remembers two US soldiers commandeering a boat to go out onto the heaving waters in the darkness to look for survivors.
Venturing into town on 27 December to meet someone for coffee, I was stunned to find the city centre heaving with people.
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She was gray, breathing fast, her body heaving with each open-mouthed gasp.
It's peak ski season and there's a great combination of California sunshine and well-covered slopes - the bars and restaurants are normally heaving.
Its own communications to Wall Street before Chantix went on sale described the anti-smoking market as prone to dramatic sales spikes and stomach-heaving drops.
As I rolled off the boat into heaving waters caused by constant huge Atlantic swells, I entered a great swaying underwater forest of kelp.
It's not long, though, before the cat's out of the bag, and Will, reciprocating the heaving-bosom love of his lady, has found his muse.
From looking set to wreak carnage, Durham slowed up, but skipper Dale Benkenstein kickstarted them again by heaving Ervine and Daren Powell for maximums.
Coincidentally, the internet is heaving with Lithuanian sellers advertising Norwegian nappies.
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Rafael Nadal has 10 Grand Slams, and when he swings that lasso-like forehand, he can exhale like he's heaving a television set across a hotel suite.
But there are so many museums here, you are bound to find something that tickles your cultural fancy that is also sheltered from the heaving masses.
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Spectators (those who still came) made a sport out of heaving garbage over the stadium walls, and 90-degree days plus opportunistic beer peddlers equaled myriad brawls.
Sometimes this was effective, as in the heaving orchestra at the death of Lazarus, or when the chorus represented the wordless menace of the crowd at Golgotha.
On a match day, be it an FA Cup final, a European Cup final or an international, Wembley used to be home to a heaving mass of humanity.
Pass any newsstand or bookshop in the country and you will spot heaving shelves packed with hundreds of colourful local and international publications, sitting amid Manga comic books, novels and reference titles.
The water was gin clear and the huge kelp fronds were in a mad rhythm of bending, then standing straight up, swinging and heaving to the forces of the sea.
They hit the ground on green modes of transport to take on the Green City Challenge, picking up the best of green initiatives in a city heaving with mechanical and human traffic.
When your computer boots up, it spends an interminable amount of time heaving some 30 million lines of operating code from the hard drive onto its main memory, DRAM (dynamic random access memory).
In recent weeks, the floors in that part of the mine had been "heaving, " or buckling up, from intense pressure, said the source, who has intimate knowledge of the conditions in the mine.
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The Pakistan Cricket Board will certainly oppose Hair being retained on the ICC's elite list, heaving previously submitted a written request that he no longer be allowed to officiate in games involving their team.
As she shifted, heaving, between these two positions, he caught glimpses of her face, contorted, wet, until finally she sat silent a moment, chin on steering wheel, watery eyes blinking in the happy sun.