Close attention to detail and quality of work, balanced by ability to manage heavy workload.
Construction crews are hauling in heavy equipments to start the long and tedious clean-up process.
Why would the presence of a silent cell phone inflict such a heavy toll?
Erected in 1928, its interiors are opulent, with heavy silk curtains, porcelain antiques and dark-wood furniture.
An M60 machine-gun operator rests for a moment with his heavy load of ammunition.
There are few chances for normal folk to get behind the controls of heavy construction machinery.
In Dubai in June, the heavy, hot Middle Eastern sun has reached its zenith.
As a heavy metal, it is also chemically poisonous in addition to being radioactively poisonous. How does the world look from the perspective of a heavy duty truck maker?
With the synth-heavy, up-tempo Permalight, Rogue Wave is back in business and powering ahead into sunnier days.
Reason: Heavy layoffs have reduced costs, while the the gusher of fund fees continues only slightly abated.
The roiling river before us runs wide and high, the colour of coffee rich with heavy cream.
They want this sub to carry two to three people, and are placing a heavy emphasis on science.
Among the possibilities: Bait-and-switch heavy data users off the unlimited plans they signed up for.
Consultants are very skilled at nurturing this heavy reliance and work diligently to deepen it.
FORBES: International Campaign to Eliminate Pension Consultant Abuses (November 2, 2004 )
Vines strung out along wires are heavy with two local varieties: alexandrouli and mujuretuli.
Wallenda described the difficulties of dealing with the wind and heavy mist from the roaring falls.
Some trees were blown down and there was heavy rain, but no widespread damage.
Just before that, the game had resumed for all of 4 minutes before heavy rain returned.
Most forecasts have consumers doing most of the heavy lifting in 2013 as well.
Higher prices at the pump have also made extraction from oil sands and heavy oil feasible.
The result is a much more image-heavy design, which is what people want, Facebook says.
FORBES: Live: Facebook Revamps News Feed As 'Personalized Newspaper'
Researchers examined data from previous studies to develop a genetic risk score for heavy smokers.
FORBES: Genetic Factors Linked to Smoking Addiction in Teens
The airport was closed for two days as heavy snow caused problems on the runway.
Thus it appears that JPMorgan had heavy investments in European bonds with varying maturities through 2017.
That figure likely included heavy selling during the steep declines at the end of last week.
One resident - who would not be named - accused the police of being "heavy-handed".
Despite its heavy use Dr Haji says, exposure to tear gas is "massively under reported".
This means focused sales teams, lots of product integration, and heavy amounts of marketing.
But the weakest part of Star Trek was the villain, Nero, and the unnecessarily action-heavy plot.
FORBES: First Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer Is A Disappointment