On Monday afternoon, Coast Guard crews using a HC-130 Hercules airplane and a helicopter found the body of Ms. Christian.
Seeing a chance to put Hercules out of commission for a while, Juno wants to borrow Sleep for a couple of hours, and Pasithea agrees.
On Monday, troops from the Indonesian Air Force's special forces, the Paskhas, herded goats off the Dili tarmac and watched curiously as a C-130 Hercules transport plane brought in a unit of Australian commandos.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | East Timor: Step Forward, With Caution
Loganair has put on an extra flight between Aberdeen and Shetland on Saturday and retailer Tesco chartered a Hercules transporter plane to fly supplies to the islands to restock empty shelves.
There are more furies screaming, Hesperides feeding serpents, a phoenix, a centaur, Adam and Eve, Hercules, two androgynous figures slaying a dragon, Mars carrying off Venus attended by Cupid.
The MoD is also looking forward to the delivery, in 2010, of the A400 aircraft, midway between a smaller Hercules aircraft, and the C-17s.
While focused on Europe, Kagan's book also makes wise observations about the U.S.' unique role in history, from the time of its birth as a "Hercules in the cradle" to its unprecedented position today.
While the message began its voyage to the cosmos--a 24, 000 year trip to M-13, a cluster of stars in the constellation Hercules, to be exact--visiting dignitaries listened over a loudspeaker while each bit played as a short, high-pitched tone.
Others lenders were willing to extend higher amounts of credit than the company was seeking, but in our view, the debt to equity ratio they were being offered was not healthy for the company, and not something that Hercules would support in either a bull or bear market.
FORBES: Back to the Future: How To Fund A 21st Century Startup
The former Mr Universe and Mr Olympia said Weider had encouraged him to come to the US and helped launch his acting career, securing his first role in a television film called Hercules Goes Bananas.
In early June Oman signed a contract with Lockheed Martin for the purchase of a C-130 Super Hercules plane, which will join the three C-130Hs that were purchased in the early 1980s.
ECONOMIST: Oman preserves friendly ties with both Iran and the West
In ACT TWO , as Hyllos and Iole are amorously engaged, a page arrives with a message for Iole, from Hercules.
It is a version of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and flies at less than 300mph (482 kph).
Moments later, at the other end, a long-range strike from US striker Hercules Gomez was pushed aside by M'bolhi.
In trading on Tuesday, bargain hunters could buy shares of Hercules Offshore Inc ( NASD: HERO) and achieve a cost basis 10.8% cheaper than Bates Jr.
The Catalan side's achievement was founded on a superb first half of the season, with 17 wins and a draw despite a shock second-round defeat by promoted Hercules.
Despite Hercules being in the debt business, we believe strongly that a balance between debt and equity is not only prudent but required.
FORBES: Back to the Future: How To Fund A 21st Century Startup
Consider HERCULES TECHNOLOGY GROWTH CAPITAL (HTGC, 12) if you want a piece of the Silicon Valley action.
She has conjured up a magic couch, and when Iole sits on it, she suddenly finds Hercules irresistible.
Manuel A. Henriquez is the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Hercules Technology Growth Capital.
FORBES: Back to the Future: How To Fund A 21st Century Startup
His first enterprise was to sell aeronautical spare parts out of the boot of a car, his second to strip the platinum points off the spark-plugs of Bristol Hercules engines.
In 1941 a Soviet team opened Timur's tomb and discovered that physically at least the emperor was no Hercules.