Shepherds wander the slopes, herding goats along the trails and alpine expanses, beginning the cheese-making process.
The province's two main tribes, the cattle-herding Hema and the seed-sowing Lendus, used to bicker intermittently.
Only, they ended up herding us into the press area before we ever got the bands.
The herding, toy, nonsporting and hound group winners will be chosen Monday night on CNBC.
Much of his early life was spent herding cows and picking edelweiss for tourists.
The gaucho lifestyle, which essentially consists of hunting and herding, has remained constant since the colonial era.
Ranchers began herding their cattle to railroads in the East to meet the increasing demand for beef.
Instead, in-video ads promote brand advertising with short messages rather than herding users to a Web site.
This year, the hound, toy, nonsporting and herding groups will be judged Monday night at the Garden.
Herding goats brings together groups who might have been in conflict, or at least increases chances of co-operation.
Expect to meet the semi-nomadic Merak people, who hold deep animist beliefs and make their living herding sheep.
As long as banks remain mere collections of individuals, the situation will continue to be like herding cats.
Some, such as herding sheepdogs, have been bred for tasks that seem to involve a lot of intelligence.
But the transition from goat herding to freshman civilization proved harsh, and he soon hitchhiked back to New Mexico.
They pass another pit full of the damned, but no demons herding them.
So now the lobbying and courting starts all over again - the herding of the cats begins once more.
When I bought the farm in upstate New York, I imported some of the sheep we'd been herding with.
It disrupts pastoralists herding their cattle and can leak radon and other gases.
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Most of the labor force is engaged in subsistence agriculture, especially livestock herding, although drought has decreased agricultural activity.
Fund managers are in the dock as well, partly for their herding instinct.
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The branch of agriculture with the longest tradition by far is sheep herding.
You see, while institutional managers are sharper than the average investor, they can be every bit as prone to herding behavior.
Farther on is the town of Frenchglen (pop. 11), which used to serve as a way station for ranchers herding cattle.
The Maasai are a traditional herding people who have no electricity or running water and live in huts made of dung.
People increasingly took up subsistence herding to escape joblessness in the towns.
He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack.
Swagger took the herding prize and Banana Joe is a toy dog.
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The second response, more sympathetic to herding but as disturbing in its potential consequences, is promoted by, among others, the Asian Development Bank.
The two-day and night competition came down to seven top dogs in the following categories: hound, sporting, working, herding, toy, terrier and nonsporting.
FORBES: Banana Joe Wins At Westminster: 10 Things You Should Know About The Affenpinscher
These hardworking rural dwellers make their living by herding horses, camels, goats, cattle and sheep for milk, cashmere, meat and other livestock products.